Operation: Takaro

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If you're only reading this story for Broppy, you might as well skip ahead. Neither Poppy nor Branch are in this chapter (they are mentioned, however). But I must warn ya, you're missing out on some important plot points, subtle Wanillo (and something I think the people call Hickelta), a funny song... Anyways enjoy!

“I'm never gonna get this right!" Pow groaned in frustration as she struggled to control the daggers. Feeling pure rage helped, but it somehow wasn't enough.

“You will, in time," the Ghost Girl assured her. “There is, however, one thing you can try."

“I don't know," she sighed. “I thought by taking this Black Rock, my destiny would become clear, but... what if I don't even have a destiny?"

“Of course you do. It is to destroy the Trolls."

“Destroy the Trolls?" Pow repeated in disbelief. “But... I can't... There has to be–"

“You wouldn't question why you had no destiny before," the Ghost Girl pointed out. “Now that you have one... don't question it."

“But what more could the Trolls possibly do to me?" she asked.

“The Sun and Moon combined their energy together to create them," the Ghost Girl explained, “and they all managed to overcome every creature cursed by Callisto who came across them. Like it or not, by taking the Black Rock and letting your hatred towards others get the better of you, you are now under her spell. There is even a prophecy of them destroying the source of your power, and they're halfway there. You must stop the rest of it from coming true. If you don't destroy the Trolls, they will destroy you."

Pow looked down at her own hands in thought. She knew she had to win, and no one was going to stop her.

As she followed the Ghost Girl to their one chance at destroying the Trolls, Pow failed to notice the daggers glowing purple...


At a beach covered in glowing, purple daggers, Willow pressed her hand firmly to one of them. One of her many powers was empathy, the ability to feel someone else's emotions. But this was something new, something she didn't even know she could feel. Maybe she was getting stronger, or it was because of her past connection to Callisto's curse, but no matter what caused it...

She was feeling Pow's emotions.

“Willow!" she heard someone shout. “Over here!"

Willow turned around to notice King Trollex and Bliss Marina pushing some sort of raft towards the shore and flew to them. On top of the small Angler Bus were a bunch of Hard Rock Trolls, crowded together and looking distressed. One of them, however, wasn't Hard Rock and had much brighter coloring.

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