Sink Or Swim

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Miss me? No? Okay...

I put up and art contest for this chapter, but nobody entered. I don't think anyone likes my ideas.

BTW, R.T.S. stands for Royal Troll Ship. Like Royal Mail Ship, but for Trolls. Besides, she's not delivering any mail. Enjoy the story!

Willow woke up early in the morning. She poured herself a mug of black coffee, brushed her teeth, and sang a cheerful song... which turned out sounding pathetic.

Good morning, Pop Village!

Can't remember the rest of the words...

She then decided to skip the whole thing.

Once she got dressed, Willow flew around the village to see how everything was going. She then noticed Poppy reading a scrapbook over by the construction site for the new Pop Village University. Curious about why she was alone, Willow landed next to her friend and approached her quietly.

"Hey, Pops," Willow greeted. "Whatcha doin'?"

"Reading one of the scrapbooks Branch gave me," Poppy answered. "Apparantly, we once switched bodies because of a magical gem and had to pretend to be each other."

"Really?" Willow wondered. "You and Branch never told us that."

"I guess we didn't want to cause a panic," Poppy figured. "Something's weird, though."

Willow sniffed her own armpit. "No, that's not it."

"Branch and I are completely different from each other," Poppy explained. "How are we a couple?"

Willow just shrugged. "Opposites attract?"

Poppy shook her head. "I'm not even sure what made me fall for him in the first place."

"Well, you guys did have a kid together," Willow pointed out. "And you both love her. Or, at least, Branch does. Maybe not as much as that remote he has."

"I do love Flower," said Poppy. "But... I'm not sure about him."

"Morning, ladies!" Branch greeted, wearing a hard hat with Flower in his arms.

"Hi, Mommy!" Flower cooed.

"Hey, sweetie!" Poppy said softly. "How are you today?"

"Pwetty good," she answered. "What about you?"

"A lot better now that you're here."

"I see you've read the Switcher-Ruby scrapbook," Branch noticed.

"Yeah, then we started talking about how-"

"About puppies!" Willow lied, interrupting Poppy. "Cute puppies. You guys should get one for Flower on her birthday!"


Branch raised an eyebrow in suspicion. "Well, I better get to work. You be good to Mommy, okay, sprout?"

"Okay, Daddy," Flower agreed. "I wuv you!"

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