Is It Hot In Here?

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Sorry this is long... And kinda weird.

Under a moonlit sky, Pow wandered around the Valley of Serenity when she began hearing voices.

“Nicely done, Moonstar! Such a beautiful color!"

“Thank you, Lazuli," said the young woman. Pow found herself just outside Faunlette Village, near a small sewing circle.

“You all did great today, ladies," Lazuli decided. “Let's hang our patterns above our doors for the whole village to see!"

“This was pretty fun, Lazuli!" Helga Hedgewinks replied. “Same time next week? I'm sure looking forward to it!"

Lazuli laughed. “Goodnight, Helga."

Once everyone's home had their lights turned off, Pow approached Helga's door and saw the cross stitch pattern of Poppy, Branch, and Willow. She took it off and stroked her thumb against it in thought.

“I sense your pain, Pow," the Ghost Girl whispered. “After all, the Pop Trolls are loved by everyone while you have been left completely alone. But one could argue if they deserve the admiration they've received."

Pow sighed. “It's not like they tricked their friend into helping them fulfill their destiny."

“They did much worse than what you did," the Ghost Girl informed her. “They tried to destroy everyone else's music, Willow murdered her own mother, and she has already stolen a piece of your newfound power."


“Welcome, Branch," Cybil greeted. “I see you've come to hear your future."

“Let's just get it over with," Branch grumbled as she looked into the crystal ball.

“Hmm, I sense a very important event in your life coming up," she predicted.

“What big event?" he asked, although he had a feeling she was just gonna give him a hug or whatever.

“Your daughter's birthday."

Branch turned to notice Flower looking away from him with an innocent grin.

“Okay, what do you see me giving my daughter for her birthday?" he asked curiously.

Cybil leaned down to listen to the little princess whisper in her ear, and returned her gaze to the crystal ball.

“I predict you getting her a Rainbow Hug Watch with HPS, an MP3 player, and smells like hot cocoa."

“I see a very picky little girl," Branch replied. Flower just giggled.

“There's also a cake," Cybil added. “But not just any ordinary cake. I see a..."

“Hey, everyone!" DJ Suki shouted. “Amp's here!"

Cybil gasped in delight. “This session is over!" she announced, and ran out the door.

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