First Day

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After the meeting with the rest of the leaders, Branch returned to the clinic to check on Poppy. Flower was at Guy Diamond's having her first sleepover with Tiny. Branch couldn't say he wasn't nervous for his daughter, but after what she already went through, it would probably help her feel better.

"Hey, Pops?" Branch said, entering the pod. Poppy looked up from her scrapbook to find her boyfriend approaching her bed. "You doing okay?"

"No," she answered. "I've been looking at these pictures of me and Flower. I'm her mother, how could I just forget her?!"

"Poppy, you were stabbed in the back of the head," Branch pointed out. "It caused brain damage, fractured your skull... We're just grateful you're alive."

Poppy felt the bandaged wound on the back of her head, and felt a sharp pain at the slightest touch. "How did it even happen?"

Branch wasn't sure how to answer, but he decided to explain it the best he could.

"See her?" Branch asked, turning the page to a rainbow-haired Troll with large eyes. "This is our friend, Willow. We went to help her look for a magical object called the Black Rock. It contains an evil magic that only Willow can destroy. But someone named Pow took it before she got the chance to. You tried to talk to Pow, but she unleashed her power and struck you with a dagger-shaped stone."

Poppy looked down in thought. "And this happened a week ago?"

Branch nodded. "You lost so much to blood, everyone worried you were gonna die. Flower wouldn't stop crying."

"What am I gonna do, Branch?" Poppy sobbed. "How am I gonna explain that her mom can't even remember her own name?"

"Flower's very smart," Branch said, "and only cares about you right now. I'm sure she'll understand. Besides, the doctor said you might get most of your memories back eventually. We can't just give up."

Poppy nodded. "So, what's the plan?"

"Well," Branch said, "Willow and I have to take care of the village. But Biggie's coming over to help you. He says he's got some scrapbooks that can help you refresh some of your memory. I have a feeling, though, that they'll mostly be photos of Mr. Dinkles, that's his pet worm."

Poppy giggled. "Sounds cute."

"Yeah, I'm not one for worms in tiny hats," Branch admitted. "But before you lost your memory, you loved looking at them."

"Well, I look forward to it," Poppy yawned. "I'm gonna get some sleep."

"Okay. Good night, Poppy."

With that, Branch kissed Poppy's cheek, and left her to rest.


"Hold still, Willow!" Chenille said as she and Satin helped her into a dress.

"How are you going to be looked up to in an unfinished outfit?" Satin asked rhetorically.

"Guys," Willow said, "I'm just filling in for Poppy until her memory comes back. I'm not running for prom queen. And why can't I just wear my slacks and black shirt? It's my signature look."

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