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Warning: This chapter mentions child abuse.

Under a beautiful star-filled sky, Callisto stared at the full Moon.

“Hello again, my dear father," she said. “I just wanted to let you know you and the Sun... have failed! When the eclipse comes, the Light my darling Sol once carried will finally be destroyed by the Black Rock's power, which I shall return to myself, and I will once again rule this world. As for their two current hosts... To ensure that the Trolls' kindness and warmth doesn't interfere, I have set a plan into motion that will seal all their fates."


“Ari," Baby Bun said, “you chose the perfect place to have our picnic."

“Thanks, I'm glad you think so!" she replied, blushing. “Tell you one thing, it wasn't easy finding this place. I found a much nicer place, but it was too close to this abandoned orphanage."

“Abandoned orphanage?" Gomdori asked curiously.

“Yeah, just talking about it gives me the creeps," Ari said. “It looked like no one had been there in years."

“That does sound creepy," Wani admitted. “Let's go check it out!"

“What?! Why?!" Kim-Petit exclaimed.

“Come on, girls! It'll be an adventure!" Wani insisted. After some persuasion, all five K-Pop Trolls agreed to go to the abandoned building.

“How do you know it's an orphanage?" Gomdori asked Ari.

“Up there," she answered, pointing to a sign above the gate that said “Miss Genevieve's Home For Orphaned Girls" in faded letters. The gate itself was already opened partway.

“Let's go in," Wani said, heading inside.

“Wani, wait!" Baby Bun pleaded as everyone went inside. “Wani, are you not the least bit concerned that this place might be haunted?"

“Your friend has a point," a voice agreed.

“Who said that?!" Ari asked nervously.

“IT WAS... me," a cloud answered, emerging from a chimney. “Hey, guys. How's it going?"

“Hi," Gomdori greeted as Kim-Petit waved. “Is this place really haunted?"

“I don't know for certain," Cloud Guy answered, “but I have heard stories. The old caretaker of this place got married, and her husband convinced her to leave the poor orphans all alone. No one knows what happened to them after that, but it's been said you can still hear their cries."

“Okay, we're leaving now!" Baby Bun decided. “Wani, let's g– Wani?"

“She must've got scared," Gomdori figured.

“Doubt it, she doesn't get scared easily," Ari pointed out. “But where did she go?"

After hearing Cloud Guy's ghost story, Wani became more curious than before. Holding a picnic basket, she ran inside the building and began her search.

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