The meeting

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Later that night, The McDuck Crew, Rosinha's parents, Raimundo, Nestor and his two assistants are at a meeting room at the Vaz Manor.

Rocha had the servants to serve them all some fruit and snacks. The atmosphere was tense and everyone couldn't wait to find out what each other had found.

Rocha and Carmelita were mind blown by the clues found by The McDuck Crew. Donald and his friends complied.a powerpoint to tell them everything what they had found in the streets. The kids did their own presentation about the clues they had found in the hotel.

Nestor and his assistants basically documented about the interview he had with the President of Brazil and several politicians. As for Rocha and Carmelita, they had monitored a coffee free day amongst the Brazilian demographic.

'  We have compiled the facts, ' Carmelita announced, showing a detailed line graph of the demographic ' That the anxiety and depression levels soared ever since the full day coffee lockdown commenced. And that the letters of angry customers soared. That being said, we need to get moving as fast as possible tomorrow.'

Rocha then added. ' So...I hate to say it, but there are some financial losses for the full day, so after this is all over, My employees and I will have to reimburse the cocoa Bean finances fast. '

Raimundo face palmed. ' Papa, ' he spoke up, ' I have a strong feeling that the saboteur isnt just one, but at least....5.'

Everyone was tremendously shocked. Donald and Daisy's jaws hit the floor, Panchito and Esmeralda.let out a string of Spanish curses. Rosinha gasped at her younger brother, Jose raised an eyebrow at Raimundo. Launchpad screamed, and Beakley's eyes went wide. The only calm person in the room.was Scrooge.

' A very clever observation, lad, ' Scrooge said ' But why you say that?'

' When the kids told us all about the bartender and the reception, ' Raimundo.explained ' I had a strong feeling that they were actually undercover FOWL agents acting as hotel staff, to effectively distribute the chemicalized coffees efficiently. '

' The apple.doesnt fall far from the tree!' Carmelita shed a few happy tears.

' Mama, ' Rosinha said, ' Do you have the unchemicalized version of the coffee powder?'

Carmelita then took.out a bag of that , ' Your papa's first experimental batch, before he announced it to his staff. '

' And I got the chemicals!' Della announced, pulling the bottle of lilac powder and blue liquid out of her bag.

Soon, everyone watched intensely as Donald poured hot water on both of the cups, which are filled with coffee powder. Then Daisy put one of the cups with a small portion of the chemicals.

To everyone's surprise, the real Midnight Sonata coffee was a lighter shade of brown than the chemicalized one.

' Now try drink it, grown ups  ' Della said.

The kids watched as the adults drank a sip of the non chemicalized coffee. Eventually Huey asked, ' What does it taste like, mom?'

' Like dark chocolate, the scent of violet and of course, fresh ground coffee, '.Della yawned ' Tasted even better than the one I had last night. '

' Its amazing!' Panchito cried.

' How do they even do it?' Esmeralda gasped ' It is the similar stuff as the Starducks in America, but it tasted so good!'

' Its organic, amigos!' Rosinha smiled as she took another sip. 

' Now you see why I needed the raw version of the coffee powder and the chemicals?' Della said.

' I never expected from you, sis, ' Donald admitted ' But that is real smart!'

' I didnt graduate first honors from Engineering from Calistola University.for nothing, brother! It is our alma mater!' Della bragged.

' You know, ' Scrooge mused ' I just had a new theory. Either the undercover FOWL agents had a byzantine scheme to get into the security system, OR, they are all Rocha's employees...and they betrayed him. '

The whole meeting room was silent. The situation was way worse than expected.

' Or both, ' Nestor said, and everyone shuddered.

' Everyone, grab whatever weapons you have for tomorrow, ' Rocha said, ' Because we might be facing a monster bigger than the oceans. '

Everyone was exhausted. So they all went to bed. The McDuck crew went back to their hotel, feeling a mixture of uneasiness and tension. Della had to sing lullabies to the kids to placate them, and Donald and Daisy basically kept the kids warm with coats.

Jose and Rosinha mounted to Rosinha's childhood bedroom. As soon as they both laid down to the bed, Rosinha whispered, ' Can you please hold me close so that I wont have any nightmares?'

Jose kissed Rosinha on the forehead ' You know I never let go when we sleep. Except when I have to go to.the bathroom, that is. '

Rosinha guffawed and kissed Jose on the cheek. ' Eu te amo, meu amor, ' she cooed.

' Eu te amo, minha princessa,Jose whispered, before they fell into deep sleep, their clothed bodies wrapped around each other through the full moon night.

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