The Viral Video.

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"Whoa! This place is so green and pretty!" Eunji exclaimed. "I know right? Let's go, I'll show you the cabins. Wait till you see the bonfire area!" Seungwan squealed and skipped off with Eunji. On the other hand, a self-satisfied Yoongi stepped out of the bus, even though he had a few bruises here and there. He didn't bother to look for his younger sister, since he would much rather prefer her to get lost in the woods nearby and never return. He then went off to find a cabin to rest and unpack.

After wandering for a while, he found a wooden cabin, quite far away from the others. It was also small, compared to other wooden cabins, but he figured there would be less people to stay with that way. When Yoongi entered, he was greeted by two charismatic boys. One was unpacking, while the other was watching a video, while hanging upside-down on the couch. The boy who was unpacking noticed Yoongi first. "Oh hi! My name is Kang Taehyun, nice to meet you." He introduced himself. "Min Yoongi." He said and just gave Taehyun a fist bump. "Who's this guy?" Yoongi asked, pointing towards the upside-down boy. "Oh. That's Byun Baekhyun. He's almost always on his phone, but when he isn't, Baekhyun hyung's super fun to be around." Yoongi nodded.

Just as Yoongi began to unpack, Baekhyun finally looked up from his phone and almost fell face-flat on the wooden floor. "Hey...aren't you the guy from the video?" He asked, pointing his finger at a confused Yoongi. "What video?" Yoongi questioned. "Bruh. The viral video of you beating up Hoseok. Do you not check your social media?" Baekhyun said, pointing towards his phone. And it indeed showed a video of Yoongi beating up two guys black and blue. "Oh and also," Taehyun started. "Hoseok and Jisung are in our cabin. So you better watch out." 'Great. Just great. What a perfect start for a horrible and wretched summer.' Yoongi thought, and as if on cue, the door opened.

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