Min Yoongi is Lovesick?

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It was the day when Eunji's mission 'Prove-Yoongles-and-Wannie-unnie-are-in-love-with-each-other' started. Seungwan just decided to go with the plan, though it required some coaxing from Eunji and the gang. They started attacking her with aegyo, and she gave in. People doing aegyo was her soft spot, even if she couldn't bear to do it herself.

The Wolverines were allowed to ride their bikes just 'round the corner. Yoongi immediately noticed that Seungwan was missing, and asked Baekhyun what had happened. He told him that Seungwan already left camp, since she fell ill. Yoongi nodded and decided to ask her brother if it was true. And when he did, Hoseok confirmed that she indeed, had left the camp. Yoongi began spacing out for most of the day. Someone had to occasionally yell "Earth to Yoongi!" in his ears. The next day too, went a little like the first one. It went on like this until one day, Yoongi didn't wake up. Even when Taehyun practiced his 'getting murdered' scream super close to his ears. For a second everyone thought he died or something, since one could bear Taehyun's shrill scream. Thankfully, he shifted in bed, and when he lifted his face, it looked a lot paler than it already was. They were kinda worried but let him sleep anyway.

Jisung was chilling on his bed, when heard weird mumbling sounds coming from Yoongi's bed. Jisung got up to listen to what Yoongi was mumbling about. When heard his hyung's word clearly, his eyes went wide. He whispered to all the boys to come and see what was going on. They leaned their ears closer to Yoongi's face, only to hear him mutter "Seung.....wan." Over and over again. He was clearly worried for Seungwan's health. So much so, that he began dreaming about her in his sleep. "Is he.....perhaps.....lovesick?" Baekhyun asked.

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