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Noah and I sat down. I looked around the picnic he had set up for us. It was very sweet of him and the way he asked me out was so romantic.

"I figured you would not want to waste the food," he said.

"Yep. Wouldn't want to waste something that took time and effort to make," I said.

He kissed my forehead. "I made cucumber sandwiches and packed two bottles of water."

I smiled. "Perfect."

I opened the picnic basket and put one sandwich on my plate and one on Noah's. He took it to his lips and shoved a huge bite in.

"Yikes." He chewed his food and gave me a small smirk.

I had a few questions to ask him, but I didn't know if I should ask them.

I cleared my throat and said, "So, what made you want to ask me out?" in the nicest way possible.

He swallowed and said, "Easy. You are the prettiest girl that I have ever met and I really like your personality."

I blushed.

"Why? Did you doubt me?" he asked.

I shook my head. "Not at all. I'm just kind of surprised. After all, you are my first boyfriend."

He almost spit out his food. "What? You've never been asked out by anyone before?" he asked.

I shrugged. "I guess not."

"Well, their loss," he said. 

I twirled my hair in my fingers and smiled. The cool evening air swept across the picnic. 

I shivered. 

"Do you want my coat?" he asked. 

Wow, the cliche boyfriend coat thing. Mostly it was like a sweatshirt or hoodie that boyfriends gave to their girlfriends, but since Noah was still wearing his Chanel interview outfit, he had a fancy coat on.

I nodded. "I usually bring my own hoodies to parties and get-togethers because no one would offer them to me, but I guess I won't have to do that because I have you now." 

Noah laughed. He took his coat off and gave it to me. I took it from him and he pulled me closer to him as I put it on. Before I knew it, I was tightly wrapped in his arms. He was so warm and cozy compared to the cold summer air. Who knew summer evenings were this cold. 

From downhill, I heard Anderson faintly say, "Noah, Y/N, we have to go. It's getting late and Noah has to leave early for the airport tomorrow."

Noah groaned. "Just a minute, Anderson."

He picked up the basket and I picked up the plates. 

He took them from me and said, "It was my treat. I'll take the things down. You just wait in the car."

I sighed. "Are you sure you want to take all this down?" 

He nodded. I walked downhill and slid into the seat of Noah's car. 

Anderson and Noah put everything in the trunk. 

After a few minutes of me staring at my phone, Noah got in. 

"Sorry it took so long, Y/N." 

"No problem." 

Anderson sat in the front seat. 

"Ready?" he asked. 

"Yep," Noah said.

He looked at me. "Wanna Instagram Live?" he asked. 

I stared at him, puzzled. "You want to tell your fans about us dating?'

"No, no, no. Just for fun." I sighed. 

"I don't think they like me too much." 

He took my hand. "Don't bother. They take a while to accept new people."

I nodded. "Okay. Let's do it."

Noah turned his phone on and went to Instagram.

3, 2, 1. And we were live. 

"Hey you guys! I'm here with Y/N, my newest friend and we're returning from a picnic."

While the phone was covering our faces, Noah and I were holding hands under the phone. 

"Hey!" I said. 

therealcalebmclaughlin✔️: Hey guys!

noahcameronschnapp: noahhhhh

elliee.louis19: yass queen

aMySaNtOs: mhm, bitch. where u guys hands at😉💞

milliebobbybrown✔️: Noah! I think your phone is lobsided. lol

Y/N Posts: Yasss y/s/n for life

noahdamotherfucker: ewwwww

uncle_jezzy✔️: Keep it PG in there, Noah Cameron Schnapp.

I laughed at the comments.

Noah smiled at me. 

aMySaNtOs: get some holy water and a bibleeee

Y/N Posts: Get a boy that looks at u the way Noah looks at Y/N

I blushed.

Noah cleared his throat. "Anyways, we are going to do a Q&A, so ask away!"

sharon.mogulxoxo: r u dating

I shot a death glare at the camera, knowing Sharon would see it. 

Noah looked at me, shocked and I simply said, "No. Just friends here."

Noah sighed in relief. 

y/s/n 4ever: when did you become good friends

Noah smiled. "Good question. We became friends as soon as we met and then after that we became really good friends. Now we're inseparable."

After a few more questions about Noah's career, we signed off.

"Wow, today's comments were really nice." 

He smiled. "Yeah." 

We were at my house after that. 

"So. You're going to New York tomorrow."

He dropped his smile. "I promise to talk every day."

He pulled me closer to him and we kissed for a while. 

"Goodbye Noah."

He smiled, his eyes glistening. "Bye."

IИ𐌡𐌑Ⲟ𝖱𐌡TⲞ - Noah Schnapp x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now