Crazy Travel

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This chapter is going to be long because I didn't update for a long time. Also I put the wrong picture for the cover and I'm too lazy to change it, so I'm combining 2 chapters. XD

Part 1:

I threw all my clothes out of the closet, choosing only presentable outfits to pack.

All of the clothes were pretty concealing and somewhat good looking

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All of the clothes were pretty concealing and somewhat good looking. I added 7 pairs of pajamas after that.

I packed my travel kit which had my toothbrush, toothpaste, a hairbrush, deodorant, and some other things I needed.

I travelled at least once a year, so I put the kit together. Then, I'd have all my necessities whenever I travelled.

I put my purse, my driver's licence and the tickets in the hidden back pocket of my suitcase. The last thing I needed was my passport.

"Damn it," I muttered.

Mom had it in the locker downstairs and as far as she knows, I'm going on a camping trip with one of my best friends. I had to think of something to distract Mom.

Oh shit. I didn't send Noah's package yet. I jumped onto my bed and screamed into my pillow.

"Amy! Come here!" I shouted.

I heard a heavy thudding of footsteps. My door shot open and Amy stood there.

"What do you want, Y/N?" she asked impatiently.

I sighed. "I need to get my passport from the locker downstairs. Also I need to send a package of my stuff for Noah, because I can't take it on the airplane."

Amy nodded. "You distract your mom with some sappy-ass shit that moms never hear, but like to. Once you hear the door close, run upstairs. If your mom asks what the sound is, just say you didn't hear anything. Anyways, I'll leave with the package, run over to the UPS store, and send it. I'll make a huge commotion when I come back, even fake fall, and drive your mom's attention to me, so you can sneak to the locker and get the passport."

I grinned like a psychopath. "Hell yeah."

Amy cringed. "Don't ever do that again. You look like you skateboarded into a car and broke the windshield after getting into a fight with someone about sharing a dorm."

I scrunched my face. "That sounds oddly specific."

Amy smirked. "I might've had that same grin plastered on my face one fateful, rainy night. Maybe even the same motive."

I shivered. "Okay then."

Amy laughed. "Okay, Plan Y/N Is A Lazy Bitch, is a go."

I gasped. "Hey!"

She snorted and dragged me out of the room.

She mouthed, "Distract your mom."

I nodded and ran downstairs. Mom was sipping coffee and reading a book titled Heroes Are My Weakness.

IИ𐌡𐌑Ⲟ𝖱𐌡TⲞ - Noah Schnapp x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now