Leave Me Alone!

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*Later in the day, Luan attended art class with Terra. Luan was busy working on a project, but unfortunately, I'm sorry to say, Leni and Luna had the same class. As Luan was putting the finishing touches on her painting, Leni and Luna sat behind her. She tried to ignore them, but that didn't work.*

Luan: Just go away.....!

Leni:*uneasy* Hey, Luan.....! What are you drawing......!

Luan: None of your business....!

Luna: I think it's a nice painting, sis.....!

Luan:*impatiently* I'm not your sister! Now leave me alone!

Terra: Luan, honey, just ignore them!

Leni:*heartbroken* Did she just call you.... honey.....?! Don't tell me she's your.....!

*But before she could finish her sentence, Luan scribbled the painting with her brush until the painting had a hole in it. Mr. Jones could see Luan getting angry.*

Luan: I SAID LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mr. Jones: Luan, please calm down! I know you're upset, but.....!

Luan: Oh, I'm not just upset, I'm FURIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY RUINED MY LIFE AND MY DREAM OF BEING A COMEDIAN IS TRASHED BECAUSE OF THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!! *looks at the former sisters* YOU AND THE REST OF THE JERKS ARE THE MOST SELFISH SISTER HATERS I'VE EVER SEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BIG DUMB BABIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mr. Jones: Okay, Luan, I think you've made your point! Why don't you take this hall pass and go for a walk, okay?!

*Luan grabbed the hall pass and stormed out of the room as Soren walked in the classroom with his two pets, Samantha and Niko. When they saw the former sisters, they growled and snarled at them.*

Leni:*scared* Is that a wolf......?! I'm scared of wolves! Mom said that the big bad wolf tried to eat those three pigs!

Soren: Nice try, Leni! But I'm not falling for your fairy tale excuse! Besides, the love that you had for your 3 former sisters was all a fairytale!

*The two pets decided to attack them along with Soren, who was still furious with them. When they finished, they walked out the door. The students in the classroom all glared at the two sisters, who were injured during the attack. Even Mr. Jones was angry.*

Mr. Jones: YOU TWO!!!!!!!!! OUT OF MY CLASS ROOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Leni and Luna: What....?!

Mr. Jones: YOU HEARD ME!!!!!!!!!!!! OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*They got up and sadly went out the door.*

Note: Next chapter will have Luan speaking to Albert. How will she react to what he says about letting them go to Jump City in the first place?! Find out as our story continues.......!

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