Stay Away From Me!

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*As Soren was comforting Luan, the door slowly opened and revealed the six former sisters. When Luan saw them, she turned her head away from them. Samantha and Niko growled and snarled at them.*

Luan: What are you doing here?! Get out!

Leni: Luan, please.....! We heard about what happened to Soren and......!

Luan:*angrily sarcastic* And what?! You're just gonna take him away from me LIKE YOU DID WITH MY TWO SISTERS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Luna: Luan, they're our sisters too.....!

Luan:*yelling* IF THEY WERE YOUR SISTERS TOO, THEN WHY DID YOU ACCUSE US?!?!?!?!?!!?!? HUH?!?!?!?!?

Lola:*sad* We just wanted justice for Lincoln.....!

Luan: Justice?! JUSTICE?!?!?!?!?!?!? THAT WAS NOT JUSTICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT WAS DISCRIMINATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Carol could here Luan screaming at the six former sisters. She ran to the room and saw them. The others heard  it too, so they followed Carol.*

Carol:*angry* What are you six doing here?!

Terra:*angry* Apparently, they're violating the restraining order! *to the six girls* I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TO STAY AWAY FROM MY DAUGHTER/SISTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Leni:*heartbroken* Daughter/sister......?! Luan...... how could you do this to us......?!

*Luan didn't answer. She angrily ran out, pushing through Terra, Starfire and Raven. As Luan ran out of the building, they all glared at the six former sisters. Even Soren was furious with them.*

Soren: Way to go, Louds! You ruined our moment alone!

Terra: I hope you're all proud of YOURSELVES!

*As they walked outside, Luan was nowhere to be seen. They knew that she had walked home. As the six former sisters were in the waiting room, Leni began to sing.*

I don't own the song at all! It belongs to Jodi Benson. The video belongs to Ankhesenamun89 on YouTube.

*As Leni continued singing, Luan was close to Titans Tower. She had already crossed the bridge and made her way into the tower, ran to hers and Terra's room and plopped face down on the bed and started screaming and crying uncontrollably. She was unaware that Terra, Lincoln, Ronnie Anne, Albert and the Titans had arrived there right after she got home. Terra peeked in the room and saw Luan angrily crying.*

Terra: It's okay, Luan! I will do whatever it takes to keep them away from you.....!

*song ends*

Note: Next chapter, will be where Soren comes home from the hospital and I will also reveal the scars on his face. Stay tuned for more as our story continues..........!

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