What Have We Done?!

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*Later, after Albert took the six former sisters back to his apartment, after picking up Leni and Luna, they all sat in their rooms, feeling guilty. Last year, they disowned the wrong people. Innocent people that is. Even Leni was heartbroken. She had a flashback of when she and Lori were little and Lori was brushing Leni's hair and killed the spider. Another flashback was Luna's. It was when Lori had that party (from the episode Party Down) and she and Luna sang together. And another of Luan cheering her on at her concerts. Even Lola had flashbacks of when Lori took care of her when she faked being sick to get out of the pageant.*

Leni:*guilty* What have we done......?!

Luna: We're bad sisters.....!

Lola:*crying* WE'RE MONSTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LORI, LYNN AND LUAN WERE ALWAYS THERE FOR US!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND WE KILLED HER AND LYNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lana:*crying* AND NOW LUAN HATES US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*They kept crying, but they were unaware that Ronnie Anne and Lincoln had been kidnapped by Slash and Luan was next.*

*Meanwhile, while Luan was outside the tower, she was taking her anger out on rocks, by throwing them into the water.*

Terra: Hey, Luan.....! How are you doing?!

Luan:*sarcastic* Fine, Momma Terra! Just peachy!

*Terra let out a sigh.*

Terra: Luan, honey, I'm sorry they treated you like this!

Luan: No, Momma Terra, it's not your fault! It's mine for trusting them and letting them into my life!

*Suddenly, they heard rustling in the bushes. Terra knew someone was after Luan.*

Terra: Luan, sweetie, I need you to go inside!

Luan: What's going on.....?!

*Suddenly, Slash, Shentani, the werehyenas and the adjules jumped out and grabbed Luan, who was struggling.*

Luan: MOMMA TERRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Terra: I'M COMING, LUAN!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Terra moved the rocks with her hands and threw them at the werehyenas, who dodged them and tied Luan up and stuffed her in a sack and put her in their van and drove away. Terra then ran into the tower.*

Terra:*scared and crying* GUYS!!!!!!!!!!! EMERGENCY!!!!!!!!!!! LUAN'S BEEN KIDNAPPED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Soren:*scared and heartbroken* WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

*Samantha and Niko growled, knowing that Slash and Shentani had something to do with it.*

Robin: WE GOTTA SAVE HER!!!!!!!!! TITANS GO!!!!!!!!!!!!

*They made a run for their vehicles and drove to the old abandoned warehouse. Carol was getting worried too.*

Carol: Please let her be okay......!

*At the abandoned warehouse, Shenzi took the sack off Luan.*

Slash: Ah, Luan, our minion!

Luan: LET ME GO!!!!!!!!!!! I'M NOBODY'S MINION OR SLAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shentani: We thought you'd say that, so we brought you something.....!

*They turned on the lights and it revealed Lincoln and Ronnie Anne tied up.*

Luan: LINCOLN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Slash: That's right! We've captured your brother, who also had a part in letting the former sisters come here to California!

Luan:*heartbroken* No.....! He wouldn't......!

Shentani: That's right, Luan! He did! And, if you don't obey our orders, we'll feed them to our Adjules!

*The adjules were growling.*

Lincoln: NO, LUAN!!!!!!!!!!! DON'T LISTEN TO THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY'RE GOING TO BETRAY YOU TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Suddenly, two familiar pets crashed through the window along with Soren and the Titans. Samantha and Niko fought the adjules and Spitz while the Titans and the werewolf clan fought Slash and the werehyenas. While Terra fought Shentani, Raven untied Luan.*

Raven: Are you okay, Luan?!

Luan: No, Raven, I'm not.....!

*The battle ended with the Titans winning and Slash, Shentani and the werehyenas were defeated. Carol then called the cops, who arrested the bad guys.*

Slash: Officer, please let us explain.....! This was all a misunderstanding......!

Officer Vicky: Tell that to the judge, Wilson!

*As the cops drove away, Soren untied Lincoln and Ronnie Anne.*

Lincoln: Thanks, guys....! I thought we were.....!

*Suddenly, Luan slapped him across the face.*


Lincoln:*regretful* Luan......! Please......! I didn't mean to.......!


Ronnie Anne: Luan, I know you hate me, and I don't blame you, but Bobby says that.....!

Luan: BOBBY'S HERE?!?!?!?!?!?!

Ronnie Anne: And so is Clyde.....!

Luan: Great! Just what I needed! WHY DON'T YOU FORM AN ANGRY MOB AND TEAR OUR TOWER DOWN?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!
THAT WOULD BE FUN, WOULDN'T IT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Terra: Luan, that's enough! I get that you're angry at them, but losing your temper will make things worse!

*Luan didn't say anything. She stormed off to Terra's car, leaving Lincoln and Ronnie Anne feeling awful.*

Lincoln:*regretful* What have we done?!

Ronnie Anne:*sad* We betrayed her!

*They headed back to their cars and drove home.*

Note: Next chapter will be where Luan forgives Lincoln and Ronnie Anne. But it's going to be harder for the former sisters to fix things with Luan, who will have a run in with Bobby at School. Something tells me that Luan will not be happy with him at all. Stay tuned for more as our story continues........!

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