"Lena, I said Always"

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Disclaimer: I don't own this character this is a fan fiction that I basically wrote out of frustration. It is NSFW (mature) so if you aren't into that please don't read it because I don't want anyone to be uncomfortable.
Also this is my first work, I probably shouldn't mention that but I'm Kinda nervous...

Here goes homies

Clark was secretly Kara's best friend. Sure, she had Lena and Alex, but as much as she loved them both they're sort of hard asses and tend to be more protective of her than fun. Her cousin Clark, however, was chill. He didn't treat her like a child. Actually, he more than anyone, treated Kara like the grown-up, adult woman that she was. That's why when he somehow got his hands on Kryptonian "alcohol" he'd always saved a bottle or two for his favourite cousin Kara. 
Kara was ecstatic at the idea of having adult fun in the form of drinking beyond comprehension and proving she was truly a grown-up. What she didn't know was when she did finally drink, it didn't have the effect she wanted. She didn't look mature, rather, she got more giggly and childish. She was Kara "Puppy" Danvers, after all. While this was surely cute, it wasn't much fun for her friends. How safe would having a childlike and drunken Supergirl loose throughout the town really be? Not only could she tell her most crucial secret to the wrong person on an intoxicated whim but, with the help of her powers, she could also clumsily destroy a lot of things. That's why whenever good ole' Clark came around someone was put in charge of Kara.

This time around was Lena's turn. She'd brightly asked the question all the Superfriends asked when it was their turn to babysit Kara, "Mind if I join you, Darling?"
Well, the whole 'Darling' part was all Lena. Her other friends called her Kar. Alex called her "sis" on the special occasions where she was being genuinely friendly. But Lena always had a cute little petname for Kara, sometimes literally calling her Pet. If she was being completely honest, Kara got a funny feeling when Lena called her names. She got the same feeling when Lena wore tight dresses or hugged and touched her. It must be some Luthor mind-trick because she only felt that weird feeling around Lena.

"Of course!" Kara agreed eagerly, pulling some wine out of her cabinet. She'd always kept alcohol for game night. She poured Lena a glass, smiling widely at the brunette. Lena smiled back, slightly biting her lower lip. "You're always, Always welcome to join me, Lee."

Kara was a bad liar, so she tried not to do it unless necessary. She couldn't hide her admiration for the youngest Luthor no matter how much she wanted to, so she stopped trying altogether, letting her absolute graditude for Lena show. Lena picked up the glass of wine taking a sip, before smirking playfully at the heroine. "Always always?"

Kara nodded gleefully, it was her turn to take a swig of her drink, which was in a round powder blue bottle, resembling a cartoon witch's potion. The alien drink originally came in a rather intimidating long, black tube. Kara had told Clark long ago it scared her, so he'd lovingly switched the bottles. Kara was overjoyed. One would be lead to believe that human alcohol was weaker than Krypton's because a super couldn't get drunk off of it. That was simply not true. They were surprisingly the same strength, however they were made from vastly different things. That's why the drink that merely intoxicated Kara could kill Lena. Even though Kryptonian alcohol wasn't very strong to Kara and Clark's kind, Kara still got drunk Very quickly. She simply couldn't hold her liquor. This doesn't stop her from taking two more sips.

"Always always meaning even...," Lena thought for a minute , then laughed, "if your bathing?"

Kara choked on her fourth large gulp, nearly drowning. Lena doubled over in a fit of laughter at Kara's reaction, but then she looked up to a pink Kara staring wide-eyed at her. They held she contact before Kara slowly nodded. "I said always."

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