"Lena, Do You Know Morse Code?"

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Hey... I'm super duper bored and I can't sleep so I'm writing some more smut. Complain if you must but really why? They're consenting adults, Katie ships it, I ship it, you ship it! We all want them to bang so they're gonna bang. "But the last chapter was smut! Where's the angst and fluff?" I hear you saying, this is Wattpad, not Ao3, I don't need it to be classy. You get what you get and you don't get upset. Speaking of Ao3, there's this great fic called "Love Me Harder", I didn't write it, but I recommend it.


Known to many as the darling wife of L-Corp CEO, Kara "Puppies and Potstickers" Luthor was a reporter by day and hero. .. also by day. Okay, she's not Batman, she can't just tell the criminals to wait until she gets out of work to start committing crimes, she has to wok around their schedules! Either way, she is seen by the world as the cute, innocent little wife of the most powerful human this side of the Mississippi! What most don't know though, was that Kara Luthor is also Nation City's fearless caped hero, Supergirl. What even less people know, is that she isn't so innocent either. Lena can attest to that. Actually, Lena Luthor, bad ads CEO lady, knows all-too-well of Kara's innocence, and the lack their of. For, she created that lacking!

And thank Rao she did.

The current reason Lena is bestowing thanks upon a deity she, despite her wife, doesn't particularly believe in, is her working situation. Well, her working situation as of today. Kara decided to tag along with Lena at work today. She was looking rather chipper when she asked for permission to do so, and Lena didn't have it in her to deny her wife that request. So, the rest of the day was spent in her office with Kara on her lap merrily signing papers for her and asking her all about her latest studies. There was a hint of domesticity in it all that made the couple's hearts light. Whether fortunate or not, that didn't last for long.

Severely distracted by the actual love of her life gleefully doing paperwork and making cheery conversation, Lena forgot to cancel her one-on-one meeting with Denton Ferint, one of L-Corp's international representatives. He was to meet with her in her office at 4:30 PM, Eastern Standard time, however it was currently 4:26 PM and Kara was still snuggled up at her side, swinging her legs and humming show tunes like an eager child. If Kara were to leave now, she would be seen existing the room directly before a meeting, Lena would be caught slacking. She couldn't be caught slacking! So, ever so forcefully, Lena pushed Kara under the desk with a slim hand at top of her head.

Supergirl bounced her eyebrows, "Oh I see what we're doing-"

"No," Lena said sternly. "No, I've simply forgotten to reschedule my meeting with Mr.Ferint, Darling. You are to remain under there until it's over. No funny business, understand?"

The blond shook her head, failing to repress a devilish grin.

"I'm serious, Sweet Girl. This is a very important meeting. As much as I love it, there will be absolutely no messing around!"

Just as Kara was going to respond, she overheard a conversation outside of Lena's office. It sounded to be near Lena's assistant, Jess, desk. There was a female voice, which Kara recognised as Jess, and a male voice of whom she did not know. She assumed the voice belonged to Mr.Ferint. He was here! The meeting would start in less than a minute.

"Do you know Morse code?" Asked Kara in a whisper.

Lena furrowed her brow, "Yes, of course. Why do you as-"

"'R' for red, 'G' for green," Kara rushed, shuffled under the desk. "We don't have time for yellow."

"Kara, what the Hell are you talking about?"

There was a knock on the door, the meeting would soon begin.

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