"Lena, You're Getting Married!"

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Alright kiddos, you know what's going on...

In all of Nia Nal's twenty-two years on Earth, not once had she ever considered to willingly attend a Luthor event. Even after her good friend and unreliable "babysitter", Kara Danvers, started a relationship with the young Luthor heiress, Lena Luthor, Nia didn't see herself spending time with Lena all that much, and rarely did. When game night or movie night was at the penthouse instead of Alex's apartment, Nia would call out sick and Brainy would have to bring another partner.

It wasn't that she didn't like Lena, she actually found her coldness to be cool, but she couldn't trust a Luthor, no matter how safe Kara made her seem. It was too much of a risk. To most people, family meant a lot. How much more could it mean when said family held such national power? And had that much money?
It was a situation Nia didn't want to get herself involved in.

That said, Nia was good friends with Kara Danvers, and friends don't miss other friends' weddings. Unfortunately for her, that meant she had to attend her first Luthor event, Lena Luthor's wedding. Technically, she was going as Kara's guest, but it was still both of their wedding and that meant Nia was breaking her personal promise and take one for the team.

However, when Nia showed up to the Bridal Boutique that rainy Wednesday afternoon to try on bridesmaids dresses, Kara wasn't there, in her place was Lena Luthor herself smiling ear to ear at the front of the shop. Eagerly the bride-to-be waved at Nia, gesturing for her to follow her inside. With a reluctant sigh that seemed to be too loud, as Lena frowned upon hearing it, she followed Lena into the shop.

"Look who the car dragged in," Alex called sarcastically. She was already in a silky green dress, slouching unladylike against one of the many white ottoman chairs in the centre of the store. "What took you so long?"

"Oh, you know, traffic," Nia lied, averting her eyes from the agent, who was giving her a sharp 'something's up' look. She nervously rugged at the collar of her shirt, if anyone could frighten her more than the Luthor family, it was Alex Danvers.
"A-and Brainy, we got lunch earlier, me and him."

"Ooh!" Lena chimed in, wrapping an arm around Nia's stiff shoulders, which she so far has been trying to relax. It wasn't working very well, though, for they were roughly pointing up far enough to tuck her head turtle-like between them. The embrace seemed innocent enough, and she knew it was very impolite of her to be as jumpy as she was, especially because Lena so kindly invited her to her wedding, but she just couldn't find the courage to calm down. "How was it? Romantic, I hope."

"It was fun as always," Nia replied nervously.

The shopping trip continued for nearly four hours after the female side of the superfriends left the dress shop. But, no matter how hard she tried, Lena just silent figure out why Nia was so down. She tried everything in her power to make fiancé's closest friend comfortable. But nothing seemed to work. No matter what she offered, or said, or how she behaved, Nia Nal only became more and more distant as the day went on.

If course, Lena had some idea of why Nia could be so out of sorts, she hadn't ever spent time with Lena, and now she was dedicating an entire day to her. On top of all that, there was the one thing Lena couldn't shake, her reputation.
More specifically, her family name.

Luthor was almost a swear in Nation City, a swear she was unfortunately adopted into. Her name silenced crowds. On an average day, she felt somewhat like Lord Voldemort himself, and while in some cases she liked that she was feared, especially when she wanted something or needed time to herself, most times Lena just felt isolated from humanity.

At around nine in the evening, the crew decided it was time to end their shopping and go out to a fancy restaurant and have some dinner, Lena's treat. The party of seven were seated at a long, luxurious table in a lavish private dining hall. Lena sat at the head of the table, while Kara's adoptive mother, Eliza Danvers, sat across from her on the other end.

Kara took the men of the wedding party out to shop, mostly so she didnt accidentally see Lena's dress and already purchased her own, but also so Lena could feel special and important in the events prior to their big day.

The CEO didn't have many friends, as she was socially distant and generally intimidating, and Kara knew that this was something her fiancé was insecure about, so she took the boys out and let Lena have a girl's day, so everyone she loves could hopefully become friendlier with her beloved Lena.

"You know Lee, this is your last chance to have your way with me before you're committed," Sam whispered to Lena in a sultry voice from the seat right beside her.

"I heard that Arias," Alex grumbled through a mouthful of food, threatening pointing a fork in her direction. "Lena, you're getting married, to my sister for that matter. So if yo don't keep it in your pants, I'll shove it down for throat. And that's a promise."

Sam stroked Lena's arm, "Or I could shove it down your throat."

" I'll kill you!"

"I hope you're recording this," Maggie said to Nia, a smirk on her voice. Nia, in fact, had been carrying a clunky old camcorder around all day, and was particularly interested in recording this disastrous scene to show Kara. She's get a huge kick out of her sister and soon-to-be wife's best friend throwing knives at each other in a high-end restaurant over an inappropriate joke.

"Is it always like this," Eliza anxiously whispered to Kelly who was say to the side of her. With a heavy sigh, Kelly nodded.

"Every time something like this happens p, I lower the price of therapy sessions. Soon I'm going to be paying them to come see me a couple times a month."

"You're a therapist?" Eliza asked.

"Someone had to be," Kelly responded woefully. "Your oldest hunts men for sport, your youngest has stood in the refrigerator on multiple occasions to experience the life of a potsticker, your daughter-in-law has a lust for self deprivation, Sam has a lust for, well... Lena, if Nia isn't crying she's falling down the stairs. Cat only stops insulting people when she has a Sri k in her hand. And Maggie, she only comes around like once a year, but when she's here there's just one to many dumbasses for me to keep track of. And don't even get me started on the the boys."

After dinner, the woman went their separate ways, with Cat Grant dropping Eliza and Maggie off at the airport, Sam going to pick up her daughter from a friend's house, and Nia going home at last. All but Alex and Lena who sat on the curb beside the liquor store, dressed to the nines, wine  bottle in hand to discuss life until the Kara and the boys came to pick them up.

It wasn't uncommon for Alex and Lena to bond over alcohol. Their group trips to the supermarket almost always end in the two sneaking off to the adult drink aisle. Apparently, that's what it takes for the Danvers women to open up to the Luthor. And that's great.

Lena frowned after swinging from her and Alex's shared bottle before passing it to Alex, "I don't think Nia likes me."

Waving her hand dismissively in the air, Alex's eyebrows furrowed. "She's only twenty-two, Luthor. Your family is like the boogie man to her, but she'll grow out of it. She's just a kid."

"It's just, I don't have many friends and—"

"Hey," Alex shushed her, as Kara's car pulled up to the curb,
"Sooner or later, she'll warm up. Until then, you got me."


"A'course," Alex smiled. "We're sisters in law. And the Danvers family always has each other's backs. Especially for you."

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