"Lena, You're Gay !?"

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You guys know what's up by now.

Lena Kieran Luthor as many things. She was an incredible business woman, a sister, technically an orphan, a girlfriend, some what of a wine aunt (even though she didn't have nieces or nephews, she just liked wine), and a strong person altogether. She intimidated powerful men twice her age in higher positions than she, doing so with such immaculate grace that no one else  would ever possess. If Lena were to be evil, she would be simply unstoppable. Luckily, her girlfriend was Supergirl so there was very little chance she'd ever turn dark.

No, Lena couldn't ever be evil, but she would kill her brother.

Lex Luthor had done something— something— to her precious angel Kara Danvers and that was very unacceptable. Who did he think he was, touching what's hers? Ever since they were young Lex would break her favourite toys for his weird experiments that he's hide up in his room all day doing, but Lena was a grown woman now and was going to fight back against her big brother. Getting past Lex's various guards and henchmen wasn't difficult for Lena, due to Luthor name. Luthors, by nature, could do whatever the hell they well pleased. That is, of course, excluding the things they wanted to do against each other. Lena knew this.
Facing Lex was going to be the hard part. Per custom for those involved with the Danvers family, Lena burst through the door of Lex's lair. He turned, stunned anyone could get it, but his face softened at the sight of his sister. Smiling, he said, "Lena!"

"What did you do to her?" Lena gritted her teeth, tone drastically differing from Lex's delighted one. He frowned at this. His sister was His favourite relative; they were the duo of the century. And yeah, he hasn't seen her as of recent, but they were very busy people. He spun his menacingly large desk chair around from the flickering screen it was facing and stood. Lena's face was awash with anger and what Lex guessed was sorrow of some sort. Taking a few steps forward, he put his rough hand supportively on the brunette's soldier, searching her face.

"Whom are you referring to?" Lex asked in an even tone.

Lena growled, "Don't pretend you don't know. Supergirl, why can't she remember anything? What have you done Lex."

"Oh yes!" A wicked grin spread over his pale cheeks, as he eagerly motioned for Lena to join him at his desk, where an expensive and obviously new computer sat. The screen shined green, flooding with what appeared to be chemical mixtures. Lex took a minute to type something in and then turned the moniter to Lena. There were two mixes on screen, one said CAD3-Ao3 above it and the other said CAD4-Ao4. "I developed an amnesiac gas substance that rests on one's upper hippocampus until the antidote is distributed to them. Creating the antidote was simply a precaution. I didn't want the wrong person to loose their memory, after all. I'm not sure how effective the substance was, however."

"Very," Lena breathed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "It was very effective Lex. Listen, I didn't try to stop you when you were going against aliens or Superman, but leave Supergirl out of it. She first remember me. She doesn't remember anything!"

"I only used the prototype on her, I'm saving the big stuff on Superman. It should wear off in water," Lex replied. "then the blonde bird of National City will be up and running for whatever you have planned, sis."

"Supergirl had showered and she still can't remember anything."

"Maybe she needs the entire anti— wait, how do you know she's showered? Are you keeping her prisoner?"

"Prisoner?" Lena spat. "Lex she's my girlfriend. I was in the shower with her for fuck's sake. Rao, you're gaydar is bad!"

"Gaydar— You're gay!?"


"Well that's too ducking bad Lena. I'm not giving you the antidote. Supers do nothing but get in my way. I'm not risking my entire plan for your queer lover. Get out of my building, traitor."

Lex shut down his computer system and calls his guards to make sure Lena's exit was made, but she needed no help doing that. Alex had set up a wire and camera in the House of El necklace Lena always wore. Kara had given it to her shortly after they had started dating and she hadn't taken it off since. It was her most prized possession. Lena saw it as some sort of Kryptonian way of saying that she was a big part of Kara's life now, that Lena, too, belonged in the House of El.

The camera enabled Alex to see Lex's lair from the DEO, which meant she also saw the specific chemical mixture that could cure Kara of her temporary amnesia. Lena left the building and headed straight for her penthouse, as Alex thought it wouldn't be wise for her to go to the DEO in case Lex thought to follow her. She spent her night cooking, cleaning, and waiting for Kara as she hoped to give Kara the best dinner ever as a "Yay You Know Who I Am" celebration.

She waited all night but Kara didn't come, and when she finally did come araroung AM, she found a passed-out Lena faced down of the kitchen table. There was a dozen course meal areas out in front of her brunette love and she sighed, packed it all into Tupperware containers and put them away, then she scooped up Lena bridal style, carrying her to their room. Lena stirred a little, and began to wake up slowly, "Kara?"

"Yes, Darling girl?" Kara replied lovingly as she stripped Lena of her dinner dress, replacing it with her own El Crest large nightshirt. Lena sleepily wrapped her arms around Kara's neck as the blonde slipped pyjama shorts up her thighs.

"I love you," Lena said. Kara placed her in the bed before snuggling beside her and pulling covers over the both of them. Lena drifted off to sleep.

"I love you, too." The blonde pressed a gentle kiss on her girlfriend's temple. "And, I know you can't hear me, but I remember every little thing about you Lena Kieran Luthor."

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