"Lena, What's A Top?"

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Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters. This is a fic.
NSFW WARNING: This story is for mature audiences only, it also has inappropriate scenes some may not be comfortable with, please do not read if it violates your comfort.

Personal Update: Idek anymore fellows.


Kara bust through the penthouse front door, as was apparently how all Danvers enter rooms as of recent. It was Saturday and Kara and Lena had agreed that Kara shouldn't move in now. Lena told Kara she wasn't ready for the commitment yet, but really she was afraid of her brother. Lex would do anything to get Lena back at his side, even if it meant threatening what she loved most. Having Kara move in while Lex was still out and about, up to no good, wasn't in option. However it wouldn't be too bad if Kara stayed the night every once in a while. The pair agreed the Tuesdays, Saturdays, and alternating Sundays Kara could spend the night at Lena's. Lena would spend Fridays at Kara's. This, in both their eyes, was almost the best thing to ever happen to them.

" CUDDLES!" Kara marched up to Lena, pouting. "Do to know what Brainy called me? He called me a top!"

"And?" Lena asked, leaning over the couch to face her alien love.

"A-and I'm outraged!" Kara spat. "How could he say such a thing? Of course. I mean, Rao, I'm not a.. a- what's a top?"

"It means he thinks you're dominant between the sheets," Lena breathes in response, trying to focus on her book.

"Oh," Kara seemed to have calmed down as she plopped beside Lena. "Then why'd he call me Daddy Danvers?"

That made the youngest Luthor cough out of panic. Gay panic. And Lord did Kara give her that often. Kara could sense the panic in her eyes. "What does it mean?"

Lena leaned over and whispering into her ear, Kara's mouth falling open. "S-so he thinks I-"

Lena nodded.

"But you don't think I-"

Lena shook her head.

"And why the heck not?" The alien's eyes narrowed.

"You're just too cute and soft," Lena shrugged. "Plus you have an obvious kink for being called Pet or Puppy while I'm touching all your cute little parts. You just can't be Daddy."

That's it, Kara thought, pushing Lena over and pinning her dainty white wrists her her head. "Wanna bet?" Kara growled in her ear. Lena squeaked out of surprise. She tried to jerk out of Kara's grip to get the upper hand, but she knew that would be impossible for to Kara's obvious superhuman advantage.

"I don't know Puppy, do I want to bet?" Lena purred in response, wrapping her legs around Kara, grinding her clothed center against the other woman's. The blonde gasped, forgetting her grasp on Lena, giving her the opportunity to straddle Kara.
"Are you going to be a good pet and give up this little fight of yours?"

Kara caught a whine behind her teeth as she bit her lip, I'm Supergirl, I can do this. Out of some instinctual whim, the Kryptonian had a gentle but strong grip on Lena's neck pulling her down so their lips were practically touching. Lena whimpered at the contact, earning a gravelly chuckle from somewhere in the pit of the super's soul. She turned Lena's neck to one side carefully before giving it a small bite, ripping a moan out of the billionaire genius that was above her. Lena could feel Kara smile against her neck as she picked over the spot she had bitten minutes prior.
"Look who's being good," Kara hummed in the brunette's ear, sending shivers down her spine. "You let my take your neck like a good girl, you did such a good job at staying still Baby. And now your pretty neck has a nice new mark on it. Do you want to see what I left on your pretty little neck, Cuddles? Do you?"

Lena's hips rocked down into Kara's stomach. The super's grasp her neck became slightly firmer as she flexed her abs. Lena's thighs connected with hard muscle and she moaned again. "Answer me, now."

"Y-yes, I want to see!"

"Good girl, let's go to the mirror. C'mon," Kara put Lena up on her hip like a child, flying her to her bedroom. She tilted the pale woman's chin to the mirror so she could see the possessive new red bite mark on her neck. Lena whimpered at the sight. Kara was claiming her. She laughed darkly at Lena's expression, grinning wickedly, "You see that Baby? I own you."

The brunette bucked against Kara's hip. "You liked that?"

Lena nodded.

"Words," the super growled.

"Yes, I liked it."

"Yes who?"

Lena took in a shaky breathe, "Y-yes Daddy."

Kara put Lena down giggling and poking Lena, looking like her normal bubbly self, a complete opposite of the character she just was. "See? See? I told you I could be Daddy! I'm powerful."

Lena was shaking, she had to even her breathing after what just happened. Kara was a literal cinnamon roll, she had to be a sub. She had to. And Lena, well, she told herself she was a dom as she usually had the power. Actually, always. Lena always had the power. But she had just given it up in less than a second out of sheer arousal, she'd been carried around like a child, she followed all the rules. Kara owned her. Damn!

"Oh, Kara. You might be powerful and cocky but at the end of the day, you're just a good little pet desperate to please me." Lena smirked, stalking closer to Kara, who was stumbling backwards, wide-eyed, away from the Luthor but the brunette cornered her, hooking one slender finger under her chin. She deadpanned, staring into Kara's soul, "Isn't that right?"

Kara averted her eyes, mumbling a weak no. Lena let out a breathy laugh. "Liar."

Kara marched closer into Lena's space, pointing an accusing finger at her, teeth flashing, "I am not a liar!" 

But just as it had come out of her mouth, Lena's hand was in her golden hair, pushing her gingerly to her knees. Kara, of course, had superhuman strength and could easily have made it so Lena couldn't push her down, but that didn't seem fair, and the strong smell of Lena's arousal (which usually was mixed with the slight scent of coffee since Lena had about a million cups a day) was turning Kara on. She kneeled before a shivering Lena with her hand still placed in her hair, while Lena's own head was tipped back, eyes shut. "Eat me."

The wind was officially knocked out of the Girl of Steel. Lena was using her as her own personal sex thing, and she adored her for it. Supergirl's eyes darkened as she bunched up Lena's skirt, she slipped her fingers into Lena's red panties, causing the skirt above her to fly over her head, trapping her beneath it like a tent. She giggled cutely at that, hugging brunette's legs and almost losing focus on the matter at hand. Almost. Lena tugged her head back against her core. "Now Pet."


This actually took all day because I've had a lot of work to do and it's getting tiring so I'm going to lie low for a while and update if requested or maybe if I get new ideas.

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