"Lena, I Thought I Was Daddy!"

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Disclaimer: I definitely do not own these characters, or DC Supergirl in total, because If I did I'm sure everyone would like it just a little more. Like, I would literally take Karamel over whatever William is going to be forced to turn into. If even go as far as to say I'd take Agentcorp over that mess. What's that even about, am I right ???


NSFW WARNING: Thine pages art fill'd with filth and sodomy. Read at thine own risk. Beware of thy Lesbian activity!


"Lee!" Kara whined, she had been tugging at her wife's jacket sleeve for the past five minutes. However, Lena didn't noticed, too concentrated on her conversation with Alex and Kelly about the hypothetical psychological effects time travel could have on not only the passenger, but the world around them. The superfriends were at an amusement park, and when they passed a ride called Rewind Time, the overly sciencey group members just couldn't resist an intellectually stimulating conversation while the rest of the crew walked around to varied roller coasters and games.

Unfortunately for one Miss Kara Luthor, her very responsible wife was holding the money for the both of them. This meant she had to get Lena's attention if she wanted anything to eat, or to play a game, or buy merchandise, and she was planning on doing all of the above. Supergirl's features pinched together in thought while she decided on just how to get Lena's attention, since her pouting and whining hadn't worked. Finally, she threaded her arms under Lena's own and hoisted her up from behind as if she were carrying a carnival prize. "LEE!"

"You're a big baby, you know that?" Lena huffed, and Kara set her back onto the ground. "What is it?"

"I need to eat! I'm starving!" Kara pouted, pulling at the bottom of Lena's shirt affectionately. It took Lena a little while to notice Kara did little things like this when she felt safe. She'd play with the end of Lena's clothes, brush against her wrist or fingertips with the side of her hand, stand so they were touching. It helped Lena know when Kara was actually upset or just being a brat. Now was the ladder, which made her feel a little better.

"Getting money from Big Daddy Lee?" Sam smirked, she had just come back from a rollercoaster as Lena started digging through her purse. She was always one for an adult joke or two.

"Lee, I though I was Daddy!" Kara gasped, wrapping both of her arms around one of her wife's. Once porcelain skin was now washed with a bright pink tint as Sam raised an eyebrow at Lena, a smug look riddled her features.

While her naivete was often cute, it also got Kara into sticky situations. If she wasn't explicitly told that she wasn't allowed let out information, she didn't stop herself from doing so. It was easier for her to keep the important secrets of she just let go of the regular ones. Easier for her, that is, not so much for Lena who now is about as red as Supergirl's cape.

"The great and powerful Lena Luthor calls Puppy Danvers over here Daddy?" Sam grinned devilishly, eyes flickering between the two of them. "That's gonna go into my book of turn-ons."

Shakily, Lena unfolds twenty dollars and shoves it into her wife's hand, kissing her forehead before she runs off after Winn. Sam was always in her business like this, and sure it was funny when they were alone joking around, but not in front of her sister in law and her girlfriend! There would be no time to prepare herself for Alex slitting her throat! But, it seemed like neither Alex or Kelly had heard, so they kept walking like it never happened, until Kara got back, and instantly clung onto Lena.

Sam snickered at the two of them. They were always at least touching, holding hands, something like that. Currently, Kara's one hand folded under her wife's belt. The other holding a huge ice cream cone. It was most likely coffee flavoured because that's the one she's been getting since she and Lena began dating.

Supergirl had also gotten Lena an ice cream cone, though it was.some bright pink colour and Sam couldn't really guess what it was. Cherry? Maybe peppermint? Either way, Lena was enjoying it, the couple was laughing at poking at each other's cones, giving each other tiny kisses an the cheek and nose. They were sickeningly sweet.

"What flavour is that, Lee?" Sam asked, breaking the couple's PDA dreamworld. The Luthor heiress blushes wildly, eyeing her wife, as her fingers slipped a little farther into her belt at the question. There was some inside joke Sam wasn't getting.

"It's strawberry cuz-" Kara was cut off by a particularly violent look from her wife, cuing her to be quiet. Whatever she was about to say was gonna be personal. Sam didn't do personal.

"C'mon Lee," Sam grinned, squeezing the CEO's shoulder. "It's probably not something I don't already know."

Kara gives Lena a questioning look, to which she nods.
"Lee says I taste like strawberries. I think she tastes like coffee."

"I wouldn't mind testing that theory," mumbled Sam, though Kara heard it clearly. Her bright blue eyes shined a little bit more.

"You could!" She blurted, to which both Sam and Lena turned to her in confusion. "I-if Lena agrees. Y-you could."

Raising her eyebrow in her very own cocky way, Sam turns to Lena, who is now blushing dark red. But to her surprise, she nods. Does she mean- she can't, she wouldn't. Would she? You could almost see the gears turning in Sam's head. I'm all honesty, seeing Lena nervous and blushy turned Sam on tremendously,but she wouldn't admit to it, or she herself would blush. Sam Arias doesn't blush in public. Not even for Lena and Kara.

"Not today," Lena said abruptly, breaking Sam from her thoughts. "But yes we should, sometime. If you're interested?"

"Are you two proposing a threesome?" Sam gasped.

Kara held a little tighter onto Lena's belt. "Well, yeah. Unless-"

"Oh, I'm in," a wicked smile spread across Sam's face before she added, "Daddy Danvers."

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