"Lena, Why Do I Remember Your Scent?"

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Disclaimer: Who am I kidding, you know this by now. And you've known this before, you've watched Supergirl and since Kara and Lena aren't together by now, you should be gotten the hint that I have nothing to do with the writing. ANYWAY...

NSFW WARNING: This story contains mature contact so if that will make you uncomfortable, I advise you not to read it so as to maintain your comfort. 

Now that that's on the table, here goes...


"Alex, I got your call!" Lena just through the door of the DEO, because apparently no one involved with any of the Danvers women can just calmly walk into places. Supergirl, although still terribly ill, decided she was well enough to try and stop Lex at his latest scheme without consulting Alex, let alone anyone at the DEO, or even Lena, who at this point was not only Lex's old partner and sister, but her girlfriend.

Being so very sick, uninformed, and generally ditzy, Kara naturally failed in her attempts to thwart the villain not even Superman has managed to. One thing led to another, leaving Kara in her current unconscious condition. Surprisingly it was Winn who found her, knocked out in a back alley behind a really nasty strip joins, though he would never admit to how he'd gotten there in the first place, insisting they focus on the Super and her unfortunate condition.

Alex of course called Lena, not only because she suspected the heiress may have something to do with her brother's acts against Supergirl , but also because deep dowm, she did trust Lena with Kara's wellbeing, they had been dating for a few months by now and it seemed genuine. Despite the woman's being a Luthor, she was still a human, a human with feelings. Lena really loved Kara, no matter what anyone else thought, and though she was still cautious at times, Alex could sense that.  "Is she okay?"

Alex looked down at her sister lying on a medical bed, who's skin was washed with a pale blue that made her appear to be cold, when I'm actuality her skin was burning unnaturally hot. The agent shivered at the though of her little sister possibly dying, or worse, being internally tortured for a prolonged amount of time. Her gaze slumped down to her own shoes, "We don't know yet."

Lena's eyes widened, Alex could see almost imperceptible tears forming in the brunettes eyes and she swallowed nothing. Stepping closer to her girlfriend, Lena out her hand out to touch her, but flinched as her body rejected the idea she might possibly be dead. The strong, powerful Luthor, immediately broke down into tears. Alex out her arm on Lena's shoulder, "She's alive."

"But for now long!" Lena snapped back. "I can't do with all this waiting God damn it. Is my girlfriend okay or not?"

"We all love her Lena," Alex breathed miserably.

Slowly, the Luther lowered herself to the floor, wrapping her arms around her legs, dropping her head to her knees and letting out silent but shaky breaths laced with fear and tears. Nearly inaudibly, she rasped out, "She's all that I have, Alex."

Just as the words left Lena Luther's lipstick tinted lips, a weary and beaten Kara Zor-El, the very Supergirl herself, let out a faint whimpering cry as her eyes fluttered open. She bolted up a second later, frightening the two other women, along with the various medical professionals in the room. Without thinking, Lena pounced onto the hospital bed, pulling Kara into a needy hug and deep kiss, before Kara lightly pushed her off, fearfully scooting away.

"I'm sorry Kara Darling," Lena chucked. "I didn't mean to maul you, I'm just excited to see you're alright, well, as far as—"  

"Who are you?" A shiny blue pair of Kryptonian eyes darted around th Med Bay before returning to Lena, who looked equally confused. The brunette quirked an eyebrow at the question.

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