"Lena I Know You did NOT Fuck My Sister!"

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Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters. This is fan fic.

NSFW WARNING: Don't read anything you aren't comfortable with. This is has adult content, if that's not what you're looking for, I really don't suggest you continue reading.

Personal Update: There aren't a lot of people reading so I felt it was a good time to make some changes. I fixed some spelling errors and added some images to make this a little more fun. This chapter is going to be more fun than usual.


"Luthor, I know you did NOT fuck my sister!" Alex burst into the CEO's office at L-Corp. She had left movie night early the night prior, dragging Kelly behind her. Alex was outraged. Of course she'd be, Luthors were dangerous people and being friends with them was one thing, but being all of a sudden sexually involved seemed way too sketchy. Alex could sense that this was somehow a trap. Lena could very well be using this against Kara, her sweet innocent little sister Kara. And Alex wasn't going to let that happen. So she got up very early this morning, armed herself, practically sped down to L-Corp, threatened Jess the assistant, and bust down the office door looking for the dominatrix that seduced the most powerful, and most hunted, girl in National City.

"Actually," Lena started, standing up from where she was sitting behind her desk, "your sister fucked me."

"This is no time for jokes, Lena," Alex huffed. Lena shrugged, she wasn't joking. She was actually kind of annoyed with this show situation, she had tried so hard to maintain her self control that night that Kara had gotten drunk, and the insinuation that Lena had started it was belittling in her opinion. Lena actually very much liked Kara. She was cute and nice, but she was also Supergirl and Lena was a Luthor. Kara would never really have full trust in her if a romantic relationship was started. While the thought of that hurt Lena, she couldn't ignore it. It wasn't smart.

"Listen, Agent Danvers," Lena sighed. "I haven't, nor am I going to, force your sister to do anything she doesn't want to. I tried to get her to calm down, I told her it wasn't a good idea but Kara, she has a strong will, we both know that."

"So you're telling me that our Kara Danvers all of a sudden-"

"It wasn't all of a sudden, Alex."

" What?"

"She said she's felt this way for a while. I'm sorry but despite how cute she is, Kara is a woman, a grown adult woman. And I'm in love with her-" Shit Lena thought. "I-I mean, I'm not in love her. I- she's nice- I mean, I just, well-"

Alex's eyes were wide. Had Lena Luthor just admitted to being in love with her sister? She had to be making this up in her head. She looked around to see if there was any one else who had witnessed it and could tell her she was just hearing things. But it was just her and Lena Luthor, the woman who was apparently in love with Kara. "Is it true?"

Alex's voice was barely over a whisper but Lena heard her perfectly well. She dropped her head, if she had heat vision, her brand new shoes would definitely have holes in them. She hadn't even realized she was crying until she saw a tear splatter on her desk. How long had she been standing there? The youngest Luthor brought her gaze up to Alex, giving a little nod before wiping her eyes and clearing her throat. "Y-yes it is."

Before she new it, the DEO agent had her arms wrapped around Lena in a snug embrace. She was actually kind of scared about that, Alex had barely ever been within ten feet of her, let alone touching her. What originally started out as an interrogation ended up being one of the best days of Alex's life. Lena loved Kara. Her baby sister found love. And then it hit her.
She pulled away from Lena and ran her hand through her own short red locks, "Kara's gay?"

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