"Lena, You're My Human" Pt. 1

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Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters.

NSFW WARNING: It usually gets hot and heavy around here, if that's not your thing, that's cool, it I recon you find another story.

"Do you, Kara Danvers take thee, Lena Luthor, to be your lawfully wedded wife. To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, until death due you part?" Th e ceremony was conducted by none other than J'onn J'onzz himself, his smile lighting up the entire venue. Kara's eyes had maintain their gentle contact with Lena's the entire time, and she wasn't breaking the contact now.

"I do."

Lena's heart fluttered. She knew that at this point Kara wasn't just going to say no. The wedding really wasn't the promise, the engagement is, the wedding is the celebration. But people always leave, even when you trust them all the way, they have in the past in the worst times, though, no time is ever a good time for someone to break your heart. Lena was used to people using her until she was all out of uses, and then disappearing, their only excuse being, "I can't trust you, you're a Luthor", no matter the reason they had been left. Somewhere in the back of her head, she worried her sweet, precious Kara would change her mind.

"And do you, Lena Luthor, take thee, Kara Danvers, to be your lawfully wedded wife. To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, until death due you part?"


There was a rip, a cataclysmic one, in reality itself. Bright lights encompassed the venue like strings of hot pink and yellow lightning spinning around each other loudly. It felt as though ten years had gone by, although it had only been seven seconds, when a dark hole opened, about nine feet high, and just wide enough for two average men to fit comfortably together in. But there was only one  man everyone from the seemingly intergalactic hole, that man being Barry Allen.

His breaths were shaky and quick as he looked between Lena and Kara. Barry hasn't met Lena before, or even knew Kara was getting married. He was invited to the wedding. Kara hadn't put much thought into it when he didn't show up, figuring he was doing some superhero-ing on his own Earth, but what she didn't expect to happen was Barry breaking an entering into her wedding... well, and her universe, but also her wedding.

"Kryptonians... Earth 26... Kara you've gotta come!"

"I'm sorry Mr.Flash, but don't know why you'd need me, a lowly reporter, to assist you," Kara eyed him with anger nearing her vision. Not everyone here knew that she was Supergirl, and if the word got out with Lex still at his peaque, she couldn't begin to imagine the outcome. Barry rolled his eyes, "Time travel, Kar."

Damned Time travel. She always forgot about time travel. She looked around at her guest, some of them frightened beyond comprehension, even knocked out. Nia Alex, and Clark had already suited up at lighting speed, as well as the other heroes who were invited to the event. Not only were all of the Legends present, but also what remained of Team Arrow and Kate Kane, looking battle ready, not even fazed or startled.

She turned her gaze to her wife, standing there in the most beautiful, and expensive, dress she had ever worn, concern spread across her face. Lena wanted dearly to run her hands over the wrinkles of worry on her love's face and tell her it would be alright, but there wasn't time for that, instead she grabbed Lena's wrist and dashed through the barrier to Barry, followed by a crowd of heroes. The last Kara saw of her own Earth was a reassuring nod from Ava Sharpe, who had stayed to calm her guests. Whatever's going on must be very important.

"Allen," Alex grumbled as they crossed into Earth 26 Star Labs. "Why are we here? This better be important."

"You come to me on the day of my cousin's wedding," Clark said sarcastically, looking towards Kara and Lena, huddled together in their wedding dresses nervously.

"It is important," Barry assured. "Kryptonian wasn't destroyed here. And the Kryptonians they, well, they enslaved Earth. They found an interdimensional portal and I'm pretty sure that there's going to be a multiverse invasion that could destroy everything we know. I can't go into detail but we have to stop this. Quickly."

"Barry, these are my people" Kara sighed, pinching the lace of her sleeves anxiously, despite Lena's soothing touches.

"They're mine too, Kara." Clark stated. "We must do what's right."

And with that, they were off. Well, sort of off, as Barry ushered the cross-over sized group of heroes into a Star Labs private jet to discuss the plan and get to the correct location to execute their mission. When everyone had suited up, they realized that Lena couldn't quite do the same, and had insisted on joining the squad of heroes, but couldn't go running around in a wedding dress all day. And that's when inspiration struck.

Superman, Supergirl, Sara Lance, and Lena Luthor would have a meal with the elite Kryptonites, pretending to be Earth 26 Kal-El and Kara Zor-El, with their human slaves and save the day...

or would they?

To Be Bontinued...

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