"Lena, Can We Call Sam?"

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Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters. If I did, y'all would be way me a stressed our, honestly. Like come on! There would be fluffy Supercorp stuff everywhere! Well, not all the time, but it would be there a lot. it's so cute!

NSFW WARNING: If you didn't guess from the last chapter, it's gonna get real up in here, really real.

The Lesbians Are Lurking Among Us!

Personal Update: I'm out of my writing funk and ready to start up again. If y'all have any  suggestions, I'm all ears.


It was a wonderfully rainy Saturday night. The small drops shine against the windows of the Luthor penthouse, even with the lights off, one of the more adorable aspects of the residency. And it was the best kinds of nights for Kara and Lena Luthor to snuggle together on the couch and have a personal movie night. Popcorn was popped, candles were lit, and love was in the air. A lot of it. Nothing could break their little lovey-dovey bubble.


Nothing except one Mrs. Lena Luthor's choice of movies. Unfortunately for Kara, her wife hadn't seen Fifty Shades of Grey yet and was dying to do so. And even more unfortunately for her, tonight was the night she planned on watching it. For someone called Supergirl, Kara Luthor was not one who was super good at hiding her feelings, especially of the sexual variety. Ever since the Superfriends' trip to the amusement park, those kind of feelings were very prevalent in the Kryptonian.

The two wives took their usual place on the couch, with Lena between Kara's legs, laying with her back pressed against Kara's front. While this was a usually cuddly and soothing position for the two of them, at the moment, it was the very opposite for Kara. This was mainly because she was heavily turned on. However, it was not only by the movie, but by the lewd images her brain was fingering up of Lena, and recently, Sam Arias. Snapshots of fucking the two of them up, touching them, making them touch each other, and so much more focused Supergirl's brain.

It was too much, just not enough.

Midway through the movie, Kara's mind was on full blast, and she was getting restless. She felt like she was new to lust again, like when she got drunk with Lena last year and got off on her hand. Looking back, she couldn't help but blush at the memory in embarrassment. She's a lot less oblivious now, thankfully. Today wasn't going to repair her reputation, though. Especially now that sexual scenes were playing on the television and her hot as hell was wife moving slightly between her legs. Holy Rao!

Supergirl's hips bucked up a little at the scene before her and the dirty thoughts in her head, right into Lena's back, causing her to jump. The brunette twisted her torso around quickly, eyeing her offending wife, Kara nearly snapped her neck to avoid the scary green eyes. On any other occasion, those eyes reminded Kara of mint and the ocean and love, but now they were a powerful Kryptonite. Her face now matched her cape. Lena couldn't help the demonic grin that flashed across her face.

"Baby," Lena cooed, rubbing her wife's arm gently as she turned completely into her stomach along Kara's hips, causing them to cant up once more. "Is the movie making you needy?"

"Can we call Sam?"

It was a whisper, barely audible to human ears, yet Lena headed it clear as day. She sat up between her wife's legs and, without warning, slipped her hand under Kara's boxers. Her eyes went wide when she felt the sheer amount of wet heat dripping into her her hand, her wife rutting up needily at the touch. Suddenly, she pushed two fingers roughly into Kara, and the blonde moaned loudly. "Is Sam getting you all worked up, Baby?"

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