The fourth to the final quest

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- third person's view -

"What do you mean I have an alice?" Natsume said with a tilted head.

"Because when I was looking for the clovers I saw you training and sense alice surging through your body." Kirari said bluntly.

"Ohh you did....but I don't feel any different." Natsume said while looking at his hand and clutching them lightly.

"Mmm even now I can still sense alice in you, are you sure you dong have one?" Kirari asked with a raise brow.

"Nope definitely no." He sweat drop and Kirari just shrug.

'Shoot I think she already knows.' Natsume thought but little did he know that Kirari sense him feeling of uneasiness.

"Oh yeah so Kirari how did you suddenly got strong in one day?" Natsume said changing the tense in the air.

"Mmm I already had does abilities but I only unlocked them when we trained." Kirari replied with a big smile.


"Yeh back then I can't use them because of no proper training but now it's different."

"Ohhhh as expected from a girl like you." Natsume said smiling but also sweat dropping.

Kirari just smiled and look to where they were going.

"Almost there." Kirari said .


When they finally saw the end of the long staircase light was blocking they're view.

They adjust there eyes from the light and saw a room nicely furnace with clothes hanging and armors at a armor stand.

"Umm what?" Kirari said confused.

"Welcome to the armory room you will need to have armor in you before you go to the next quest." The old man said somewhere while Kirari just sigh.

"Natsume can also pick another armor if he wants." Another voice said and it was Ritsu.

"Umm sure okay thanks." Natsume said gestured for Kirari for them to go.

As they look around Kirari was getting bored, she didn't see any suitable armor that she likes while in the other hand Natsume was containing his excitement but acted cool.

As Kirari was about to talk to Natsume about 'this' an armor caught her eyes.

I was in an armor stand with a blue spandex under the metallic armor.

She took the armor stand and was shocked on how light the armor is.

"Now this is just right." She looked around for a dressing room and found one at the corner of the room.

She took the armor off the stand and went inside to change.

When she put on the spandex she didn't feel suffocated it was very comfortable and light, ig was like part of her own skin.

She soon wear her silver metallic chest plate, a skirt, the boots, the gloves that reach her elbow and lastly her helmet. ( everything is made of light metal silver colored armor.)

/ quick armor detail /

The spandex made of strong rubber, it cover the whole body from neck to feet.

It's also comfortable and refreshing, it release the air pressure in you body and letting air in when you are hot but when your freezing it will automatically heat itself so the wearer wont feel cold.

A Whole New World: Gakuen Aliceحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن