A test to pass

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It was their 3rd day and some of them already wanna get check by Persona, if they pass or not.

They went inside the dark arena and Persona was already their.

"I believe some of you have already pass." He said and all of them light up.

"Who are they?" Tsubasa senpai asked eagerly.

"Natsume and Ruka." He said and left.

"Ugh, so close." Tsubasa senpai said while looking at the two.

"Basic." Natsume smirk and turned to Ruka.

"Nice job." Ruka said with a thumbs up at Natsume.

"Alright let's get started." Misaki senpai shouted.

Hotaru got started followed by the three senpai while Mikan just sigh and went to the far side of the arena.

"I should focus, we went here for me to learn all my alice." Mikan said and took deep breaths.

"I should double my training." She said and got started.

She did normal stretches and doubled the push ups and sit ups then she made the 30 minutes into a 1 hour.

Natsume watch Mikan from a far, worried that she might get over worked.

"Don't worry Natsume, Mikan in strong, mentally and physically." Ruka assured while Natsume just nod.

The day got by and all except for Mikan were done.

"Is she still not finish?" Misaki senpai asked.

"Nope, she's been doing double the training menu." Tsubasa senpai said.

"I think she's over doing it." Tono senpai said worriedly.

"Dont worry, I know her, she's gonna be okay." Hotaru bluntly said.

They quietly waited for Mikan to finish as the day pass slowly, as for Mikan she was done doing 100 push ups and her current number of sit ups are 80+.

3:00 pm

Afternoon came and Mikan was finally done with her work.

Body aching, she went to her sleeping friends and smiled.

"You didn't have to wait for me you know." Mikan gently smiled.

Natsume hug her from the back in suprise which made Mikan gasp a little.

"Natsume!" She whispered shouted.

"Good work polka." He said resting his head on her shoulder.

"Thanks, now get off me, my body hurts." She said loosening Natsume's arms.

"Aww, come here I'll massage your shoulders." He said and Mikan just giggled.

"No thanks Natsu." She said and went to her friend that were laying down on the ground.

She laid by them and closed her eyes, resting her back on the ground felt good for her right now.

Natsume just stared at her then went to her side, laying beside her.

"Tomorrow go check with Persona I think your ready." Natsume said in closed eyes.

"Okay, how about you?" Mikan asked.

"What about me?" Natsume raised a brow.

"How was your training."

"Ah, we'll I just trained to take better control at my fire, like shaping it." He said.

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