Second Phase: START!

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~ Natsume's POV ~

3 weeks pass since we started the mission, no news about Mikan's team yet but we're already making our way to the festival, where we'll 'perform' in stage.

"Hey Natsume, you better not mess up." Shadow said playfully making me annoy resulting him having a fire at his head.

After some shouts and complains we finally made it to the kings kingdom, decorations were scattered around the capital and all of the people at preparing. There was a big stage in the middle for the competition and a throne the the middle of the audience.

"I think the king is gonna seat there." Prez said adjusting his glasses.

We stop the carriage at the drop off and went to the stage where a sign in table was waiting.

"Welcome to the performance festival, are you gonna sign up?" The cheerful man said and Tono senpai took the lead.

"Yes, we're here to perform." He politely said as the the man nodded with a smile.

"Please right your groups name here." He handed Tono a clipboard and scribbled our group name there.

"Welcome to the show mixed circuses, your number five in performing and till then wait at the tent beside the stage." He said pointing the tent, we said our thanks and went straight to the tent and waited.

There were not much people there, I'm guessing they're browsing the festival while waiting.

"Let's get something to eat." I heard Anna said to Nonoko and the whole group reacted.

"Yeah let's!" Tsubasa senpai shouted and the group approved of the idea.

"What about you Natsume kun?" Permy asked resulting all of them to look at me.

"I won't be going with all of you." I bluntly said and went out, I sense someone running after me while I just ignored him.

"Hey Natsume, wait up." Ruka said in his costume, actually all of us are already dress for the event.

"Why did you follow me?" I asked him while he thought of an answer.

"No idea, I just felt the need of following you." He grinned like an idiot making me laugh a little.

"That's dumb." I said while he just laugh.

We talk and talk while looking at the event and shops and before I knew it, we became like childhood friends.

~ Mikan's POV ~

Today's the day! At this time Natsume and the others are right in front of us. In the pass days me and Hotaru have been really close with prince Kaname and we sometimes pass Misaki senpai and confirmed that she's fine.

We're able to collect information little by little about the kings weaknesses like if he's allergic to something, so far we know that he's allergic to nothing but has skin disease that can be triggered when he's at a cold temperature.

We also haven't located my parents whereabouts and we almost memorize all the rooms in this castle.

We're also thinking if we'll kill him or not because prince Kaname said that his very kind though we haven't talk to him since last time, he always isolate himself at his office and only come out when his about to eat. As for Persona we still haven't talked to him yet so now we're about to finish cleaning the prince's meal and after that we'll go to the festival to escort him.

"Mikan and Hotaru, after you finish please change into your formal clothes, after that let's meet at the front door of the castle." Prince Kaname said softly, I didn't thought of the plan leaving the prince to change cause it might be dangerous and all.

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