'Training' begins!

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~ Mikan's POV ~

Today we are going to train our long ranges attack but since me, Hotaru, and Misaki senpai are servants we are going to switch roles with Anna, Nonoko, and Permy. I used my face changing alice to change our faces and now we are training at the training grounds, Yū already started the illusion and I'm now reunited with my favorite bow. My main focus on training was using my alice so I tried my best in training my body.

Natsume can use long range attacks, Hotaru too, Yū will be one of the distraction team with Misaki senpai, Koko will be using a bow and arrow, Kitsu will use his alice with arrows and sharp knives, Tsubasa senpai will be one of the restraining team with Ruka,  they are in charge off making the metal net and stopping the kings shadow, and lastly Tono senpai will be with me to amplify my powers when I give the final blow.

Every thing is going as planned while the prince are secretly watching the king's office. We haven't heard from Persona except for his encounter with Natsume but it's fine.

I did some quick shots so I can freshen up with my bow while the others trained. I also tried my Nullification alice and I believe it was my original alice said my grandpa it was also the alice of my Dad so I feel really great while using it for some reason.

The day slowly pass without trouble as I already started to get use in using my alice for a long period of time.

/ Monday 6:00 am /

We are all awake and on our way to the dining hall, I saw 'Mikan' lr should I say Anna with 'Hotaru' and the prince, 'Misaki' / permy is preparing the table for us. We sat down silently with Natsume and Hotaru by my side.

"Good morning your majesty." We heard the servants say, we stood up got manners as we waited for the king to sit down.

"Be seated." He said while sitting down as we followed him.

A door then burst open revealing a whole army of servants with food and trolly on they're hands. They served us each and bowed out leaving us all alone with the king and a few servants who are waiting for any command.

We started eating in silent with only the clangs of plates are heard through the room. I look over the king then everyone and saw them normally eating with manners as I myself went back to eating. We finished feasting with no word spoken or so I thought.

"Today is the day you'll start your first training, I believe you have trained well so good luck." The king said while standing up and going through the door.

After the king stepped through the door a big sigh went out from Koko and Kitsu while the others moved to their sit to be more comfortable.

"Good luck, now go to the training forest." Prince Kaname said, I nodded in reply as I stood up with the others following me.

We went to our room and put on our armor as I admired first the my usual armor that I got from grandpa, I smiled and worn it with my bow at my back and a dagger.

I saw the others finishing up with Natsume already waiting, or should I say waiting for me. He walked to me in a serious face as I just smiled at him for assurance. He hold my hand as I gave him a assuring squeeze.

I already know what he's thinking, he's hesitating because of how dangerous our plan is and I've already sense that since we came up with it.

/ Time skip /

The guards called out to us to prepare in the forest as planned, we went to our stations as the trap team are setting up all the traps needed.

I'm now with Ruka, tono senpai and Ando senpai as we waited for the signal to commence.

After some time we heard the signal from the hawk Ruka used, it means the enemy is taking the bait, the distraction team and trap team should be together now while handling the beast to come to us.

The hawk cane back and now circling us, it means they are now close to us we readied our selves as we hear the trees collide with a big thud with shouts from the gang is heard. The footsteps of the enemy is coming closer as we can now make up what the team is saying.

"IT'S A TRAP, IT'S A TRAP. IT'S NOT HIM." We heard them say, we looked at each other and looked back as I see them come out of the forest with a wild unknown beast with them.

The boys were about to go out but I stopped them as I assured them to be quiet.

'Something's not right.' I said to myself as they killed at beast with no king in sight.

I looked around and sense my surrounding as a big flow of alice suddenly appeared in my range. I looked up to see the king with not he's usual mannered action but a wild hungry beast, without thinking I yelled.

"LOOK OUT!" I shouted at the top of my lung as I see them frozen in place but a thought came to me while the king was about to eat my friends.

"NOW!" I shouted to the boys beside me as Ando senpai and Ruka went out and trowed the heavy alice prevention metal net to the king, me and Tono senpai then saved Koko and prez from being crushed. It all happened in 30 seconds.

A big loud thud then was heard with the heavy metal colliding to each other.

I ran the the king with Tono senpai and used our alice ti free the current king from the old king while using my nullification alice.

I finished and silence came, I looked at the king and saw him knocked out and suddenly out of nowhere a big light blinded us as I heard my name being called shouted by familiar raven haired boy.

"MIKAN!" He said as he ran to view, shielding me from the light that I have no knowledge off. I looked around and saw everybody unconscious on the ground but that's not what worried me the most. They were at the verge of dead but why.

"What happened?!" I shouted and a laugh was heard. I saw Natsume in front of me unconscious as I jump to him. I used my healing magic as I tried to heal him but another laugh was heard.

I looked around while healing Natsume as I saw a ghost of the old king while the surrounding turned dark.

"I'm impressed by your performance, Ms. Yukihira." He said as I finished healing Natsume.

I stood up and faced the king who was above the current king, floating.

"Leave." I said as he just tilted his head.

"I said leave, before I'll make you leave by force." I said but I heard him laugh more.

"Oh shut up, I was just having some fun and I was not ready to die yet so I used my boys body to live again." He said as I looked at him with discussed.

"Then force is it then." I said and used my ghost alice, you see I learned this from Yoichi, he's ghost alice has another level to it and that is to send the dead to the afterlife. The king then started to laugh while being sucked from a vortex.

"You know, I was really getting bored because of how weak the performers are but you showed me how pleasuring it feels to fight again." He said as I clicked ny tongue in disgust.

"Your low." I said as the vortex sucked him in completely, I world became normal again as I used ny healing powers and spread in around us for them to heal and not die from that unknown light.

I closed my eyes and dropped to the ground for me to rest as I felt a hand grab me.

I looked to my side and saw Natsume looking drained as I flashed him a smiled.

"Thanks for protecting me." I said and he just smiled and kissed me.

"It's my duty to protect you my princess." He said as I smiled at him and looked up the sunny sky.

"I want a massage, my body hurts like a stick being break." I said as I heard a chuckle.

"Same." Misaki senpai said waking up.

"Maid work is hard as hell." She said as we laugh together and the others waking up, joining in our conversation and catching up from our experiences.

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