It's time to attack!

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~ Mikan's POV ~

As I entered prince Kaname's room I saw them making a another stuff animal, I sigh in frustration from the prince's arrogance but I'm not in the position to teach him a lesson.

"Prince Kaname, how many times have I told you to not use you alice anymore." I said as I approached him.

"I'm not using my alice, I'm just making a handmade stuff toy." He said and I tilted my head in confusion.

"Isn't that the same?" I asked Hotaru and she just sigh.

"Well it a 50-50 chance because he can just insert his soul easily to the stuff toy or's like a ready to be use toy that he can give his life into." She said and I nodded in understanding.

I looked at prince Kaname, skillfully sewing the needle around and sealing it tightly as Natsume's favor came into mind.

"Prince Kaname can we just talk about something rather than you sacrificing your life to kill boredom?" I hopefully asked and he put down the needle.

"What do you wanna know?" He asked turning around to us, when he said it, it felt like he knew what we were doing and gathering information. I hesitated to asked and thought of other questions to ask.

"Do you have any topics you wanna asked us?" I said and Hotaru mouthed me a 'what are you doing'.

"Hmm that's an odd question, not what I was expecting." He said and I looked at him confused.
"Then what did you expect your highness?" I asked him turning him stiff as a board.

"Umm nothing much like the castle and family." He said, his words turning small and small.

"Why do you think that?" I asked him as my heart started to raise in nervousness.

"Because I thought you were some spies who wants to infiltrate the castle but nah forget about it." He said and silence consume the room, with the three of us frozen in place.

I didn't had time to think and panicked, I used my mind reading alice and saw all of prince Kaname's suspicions, from day one he spied on us and caught on our conversation about the plan but the most shocking part was he felt happy about it rather than feeling scared.

"Hotaru, he knows all our plans." I said and she nodded, taking out her baka gun.

"No stop I need your help!" Prince Kaname said noticing Hotaru about to hit him out off conscious, she stopped but readied the gun just in case. I gestured for him to continue and he looked down, hesitating a little.

"I need your help in freeing my father." He said straight making me and Hotaru confused.

 "What do you mean by freeing?" I asked him making his more feel uncomfortable. 
"My father is being controlled by my grandfather, the original king of the land." He said and we stared at him in more confusion.

"Why would he do that? and what's he's alice?" I asked but he didn't felt safe talking about it, an idea pop into my head but I needed to make sure if he can be trusted or not. I looked at him straight as he looked back at me.

"Are you telling the truth? or are you going to tell your father that we're invaders?" I asked him as I was reading his mind.

"I'm confidently sure that I am  in your side." He said as I checked his mind for any false statement but he was speaking the truth. I smiled at him and nodded by head as I backed away. I gestured for Hotaru to bring down the gun and she followed putting it into her pocket like it's just a small item.

"Now Kaname senpai please tell us what you know about the king." I said putting up a barrier around us to prevent anyone from listening.

"My grandfather died from poison where an unknown user putted a strong poison in his food, when he died they burned and buried his body in the sacred temple where it's protected by an alice barrier but his story doesn't end like that. When my dad became the king his personality change like he was a different person, he killed my mother and all the employees who stopped him. When he looked at me he called me grandson instead of son, and that's when I realize my grandfather was back. He's alice was soul like mine but he can do the human body instead of toys. I tried to call for help in the village but no one stood up because they we're too scared of my grandfather, one thing's for sure that all the village people know our story, and from that day on everything went back to normal like my grandfather didn't lose his body. " He said and I almost felt tears in my eyes.

"Hmm I'm so sorry." I said but he shook his head saying, "It's fine I already moved on." He said but the tone in his voice didn't felt like he moved on.

"I'm gonna ask you one last important question." I said stopping, dead serious about this making him drop a sweat.

"What is it?" He asked and I looked at his intensely.

"Do you know anything about the Yukihira family?" I asked his, he thought for a second and answered.

"They are the family who originally owned this land, that's all i know." He said and I know he was telling the truth.

"Ok, thank you for all those useful information, now can you please call the others Hotaru?" I asked her as she just nodded and left. We waited for the others silently as Kaname  senpai fidgeted in his seat.

/ Time skip /

All the gang are here and I told them about the situation and Kaname senpai. Surprisingly they already knew from Natsume, he figured it all out but he's has more to it.

"In Monday the king we'll start to attack us for our souls and manipulation. I believe he is after our life span to manipulate our body and make he's more stronger and that is also why he is training us, they also pay us large cash when we survive." He said shocking everyone else except the prince.

"The hunt will start after breakfast and it will end before dinner, you will be placed outside the forest and the game will be disguised as 'the hunt practice', they will not tell you anything about the king but they will tell you to survive and fight. My fa- the kings strategy is to go after you one by one so I suggest all of you to stay together and watch your backs." He said and they all nodded.

"Then lets make a plan on how to defeat him, this might be our chances so lets be careful." I said as I sense fear in the air.

"All of you must focus on training, the king can be really wild but he also has weaknesses, he specialized close range attacks and don't worry he can't use my father's alice." Kaname senpai assured and they all nodded in agreement.

"Now the plan, I think I have an idea." Ruka said and all ears are in him.

"Let's set up traps around the forest while the king is being distracted, when we corner him we'll attack in long ranges attacks while the others drop him a metal net trap pinning him down and Mikan will use her alice to free the king." He said and all agreed.

"Sounds simple but very difficult." Tsubasa senpai said earning a smack from Misaki senpai.
"Well you got any brighter idea?!" She said as Tsubasa senpai whimpered in pain saying 'no no'.

"Then we'll go with that and tomorrow we'll train on how to make this plan successful." I exclaimed but I heard a "Baka".

I turned to the familiar voice as I see him coming closer to me and a baka gun suddenly punch me in the face.

"The plan is good but we gotta keep it a secret, prez will set up an illusion while we train. When we train long range attacks the illusion of us will be doing some short range attacks." He said and the group wowed.

"But of course prez can't maintain that for everyday so Mikan, practice using your illusion alice." Hotaru said and I nodded.

"Then we'll meet at the training grounds first thing in the morning." I said and they all agreed. the group left except for Natsume as he looked at the prince or most likely glaring.

"Oi you, don't ever lay a hand on Mikan." He said as Kaname senpai nodded with a sweat drop.

"Natsume relax and go, we have a big day ahead of us." I said as I pushed him out, leaving us three alone again.

"Mikan can I asked you a question?" Kaname senpai ask and I nodded.
"What's your alice?" He asked and I look at him with a smile.

"I have all of it."

A Whole New World: Gakuen AliceOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz