Chapter 14

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•Tony's POV•
I let go of something I love and would do anything for, but I was a idiot and listened to someone instead of asking. I'm a fucking prick. I get that she needs time. I'll wait.

I want ice cream.

I walk downstairs to get some ice cream. After eating some I put it back then sit at the table on my phone, I saw Miami come in the kitchen she avoided eye contact with me.

"Miami please talk to me" I said with red puffy eyes, she looked confused but then she looked pissed "there is nothing to talk about tony, you cheated on me with that whore" she said "I'm not a whore" I heard daisy say, does she shut up. I'm trying to talk to the love of my life. "Did anyone invite you to this" Miami said giving daisy the death stare, daisy stormed off and Miami giggled

Her giggle is so adorable. "Miami I'm sorry, she tricked me, she told me that you were cheating I- I  believed her, I should have, when you c-caught us I saw that you had real sadness, a cheater would never h-have sadness" I said breaking into tears, I miss her, I miss her cuddles her kisses her hugs I miss waking up next to her I miss making her smile.

"tony I-I-I need t-time" she said while a tear slipped from her eyes, she got up and put the ice cream back and left. "Tony?" I heard a annoying voice say I turned to see daisy "what! What the fuck do you want!" I said "I-I-I'm moving out" she said while crying, I don't give 2 fucks! She ruined my relationship "cool" I said while going up to my room.

•Miami's POV•
I woke up with a headache, I got up from the bed threw on a hoodie and some shorts then geabbed my keys, I need to go to the store and get some Advil. I go downstairs and see everyone looking at me "what?" I said confused "daisy moved out" Ondreaz said "am I supposed to be sad?" I said in a 'duh' tone "let him finish" Dixie said "but before she left she said she's pregnant" Ondreaz said, my heart dropped because there is a possibility it's tonys "and it's mine" tony said clearly sad, my head started pounding more and I felt dizzy.

All I heard was "someone catch her" before I blacked out.

•Charlis POV•
After we told Miami about daisy being pregnant by tony I could see her getting pale, she started falling I yelled "someone catch her" then she fainted.

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