Chapter 23

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~9 months later~
HOLY FUCK! IM IN LABOR. Tony and I are dating btw ;). i'm in the hospital bed in pain. i'm getting an epidural. Tony and I decided to keep the baby's gender a secret. so when i give birth then i'll find out the gender. my stomach is so big. ever since exposing daisy we've been quite on social media.

we wanted to start being more mature. "ok the doctors are coming" Tony said happy. he really wants a boy, so do i, ever since i was a little girl i wanted a little boy.

(skip to birth)

"waaaa" i smiled hearing the baby cry, i'm so out of breath. i'm sweating. "congrats.... it's a boy" the doctor said. Tony and I looked at each other. we smiled. "any names?" the doctor said. before Tony could speak i said "Antonio Lopez" Tony smiled.

it's been a couple of hours since birth. little Antonio is sleeping so is big Antonio :). my boys. i live them so much. Tony was holding Antonio. i see the door open. it's probably just the nurse. nope i was wrong it was josh.

my brother. "awe" he said smiling "what his name" he added "Antonio,after tony" i said smiling at them "awe" he said again. "here i got you and them flowers. Nessa helped me with them cause i had no clue what to get" he said i laughed, we talked for a bit.

then he left and i took a nap while the boys were still sleeping.

Josh's Sister// Tony LopezTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon