Year end -Final term

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             It had been like this since months, we both sat at our usual spot with our usual friends and did our usual staring contest. Every single day passed by and little by little my hope of him approaching me started to fade away but I my feelings for never even once dim. In fact it kept increasing every single day.
            Soon we reached the towards end of the entire year. I still couldn't believe it had been a complete year. I was about to complete my first year in Hundson college with such amazing friends and some good luck to look at someone special. Finals were approaching, everyone was busy preparing for exams, panicking and getting anxious and to add on having sleepless nights covering the entire semester's portion in a week. Even I was having sleepless night but my reason was different. Some guy with an angelic smile kept walking into my dreams making it even more difficult for me to concentrate on anything else but him .
             Now that the exams were just around the corner and the pressure was too high even I started studying. I almost thought I was about flung in 3 or 4 subjects, that's how pathetic condition I was in. Since it we were already given a 15 days study leave before the exams it had become even more difficult for me to concentrate on studies as I had been pathetically mission someone and not seeing him for many days was making me lose my sanity. I kept wondering if he even missed me? Even for a few seconds did I cross his mind? I wish I did.
            Thanks to the social media I could atleast go through is fb account and look at his pictures which only made me miss him more and want to see him in person.
           The coming day was our first paper foundation course for which of course I hadn't studied anything. How could I even study fc when botany, chemistry and physics were yet untouched. I was very nervous where would he the classroom? How was the paper going to be? But deep down above all of this I was even more nervous to see him after so many days. I was early to college, as I got the early train from my hometown. When I reached the college there weren't many students in the campus. I went near the audi and sat there removing the fc book. I was trying to sink in the information that was there in that book consisting of 150 pages.
           Slowly the campus started getting crowded as the exam was about to begin. My eyes kept wondering for that one person. I saw his friends but he was nowhere around which only meant that he hadn't arrived yet. By now now Sammy, Teddy, Ariana and Krissane had arrived. Looking at them, everyone was engrossed into the book. I was also equally nervous but still my eyes kept searching. It wax time to enter the classrooms so we entered our classes respectively and Sammy was in my class. Oh my god, there were such cute and hot guys from BA section. Man worth ogling for. Everyone was writing. I looked at them for a few seconds and started writing my own paper.
            As soon as the paper was over I ran down without even waiting. I searched for him everywhere but couldn't locate him and it was extremely crowded as well. I met my friends and asked how their paper was. Since the paper was easy everyone was happy. He was from commerce section and I was from science but all of us had fc paper in common. I was talking with Teddy, Sharon and Sammy when someone purposly almost pushed me and went from behind me. I got so irritated as to who such stupid person could be. I looked at my friends face making a disgusting look when all I saw on their face was blank and shocked expression but I was furious right now. I turned my back to see who that person was and to my shock, the person I saw made me do numb for a second and then go blank and nervous. I looked back towards my friends and shared a what the hell, is it really him but why look?
          Did he really do it? I kept looking at him for a few seconds but he behaved completely nonchalant and innocent as if nothing really happened. The only thought that kept resonating in my mind for next few minutes was, Did he really touch me? Did he feel my bra strap? Oh god no plssssss.... I Touched my back just the way he did, trying to feel my bra strap but luckily it wasn't that obvious and I could feel his touch was the innocent touch types and not the vulgar types.
           Was he really trying to gain my attention... Haha . If yes then just had to present and my all attention would go to him. That easy and going I was to him. We sat at the campus for a while kept staring at each other and then left. That's how our entire exams went. Looking, waiting, staring and writing papers of course until our last exam. During our last paper something happened which never imagined would happen in the first place and I had been waiting for last a year.

Hie guys, I hope u guys are enjoying my reading so far
What do u think happened during the last exam?


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