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Chapter seventeen

Merida hadn't thought the day would end as it had done. She had never made it to Athelstan for her daily lesson and instead found herself dragging the man, who was half delusional, away from the place that he had attacked her. Her clammy hands were gripped on his boot, Ragnar opposite, carelessly pulling on his shoulder.

They managed to dump him by the entrance to the main hall, which was only a short while away, where they entered, finding Lagertha and Floki already sitting by the end. Ragnar motioned for a few others to clear, before asking Floki to bring Bjorn.

At the end of the room, his throne of wood stood proudly, shrinking in greatness as he sat in it, like a king decked in gold. Ragnar leaned against the side sighing and rubbing his face before he turned to her.

"What happened?"

"I was walking to Athelstan and the man jumped out at me," she answered simply, saying how it was.

"You were walking alone?"

"Yes?" It came out as a question. Why did it matter?

He nodded, saying nothing more until Floki returned, Bjorn close behind him. Dresses in large furs, he appeared rough, without sleep and worn his jaw clenched shut. If it wasn't already obvious from the glare, his clenched fists proved he was angry with her, though why, she had to had to laugh.

"Where were you, Bjorn?" Ragnar wasted no time in demanding an answer from his son. "She was your responsibility."

"She was fine," he snapped, turning to glare at Merida, as if she had an influence over his father or what had happened. It made her scoff, mimicking his stern glance.

"I was fine," she insisted too, but Ragnar shook his head, brushing the both of the off easily.

"That is not the point."

"She wanted to be here. That does not make her my responsibility!" Bjorn argued.

"Bjorn is right."

Merida watched as his head snapped to look at her, brows raised in surprise. Was she really that stubborn that he thought she would defend him?

"He is?"

"Yes." She nodded. "I do not need protecting. I am a woman, just like Lagertha. You wouldn't say she needs to be protected."

It was a dangerous move, comparing herself to a woman like Lagertha, even if they had done it multiple times while in Dunbroch. But Merida was not going to let them act as if she was Bjorn's responsibility when she had took care of the situation perfectly well. She was the daughter of the legend King Fergus of Dunbroch, the archer princess who had bested the competition that was for her hand. She had ventured to a different country, without a hint of fear. She was no ones responsibility.

"She is a sheildmaiden," Floki added.

"And I am merida. I, I." She lifted her head, her chin jutting out automatically. "I proved that I do not need to be protected when I hit him down."

The were silent, in contemplation. Merida thought of running out of the room at that moment, storming out. But she didn't want the to think she was affected, that she was easily angered, a spark readying to ignite.

"I want you to be a shield maiden."

Merida's head snapped up from where she stared across the room, as Lagertha spoke up. It seemed that she wasn't the only one who was surprised, as Ragnar raised his brow, turning to the woman. But Lagertha just stared forward to Merida, waiting for her personal answer. For that, she was grateful.

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