Chapter Seven

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Jason parked his car in the driveway, in front of his huge house, he stepped out of it and looked up to see that the living room's lights are still on, he could almost hear his eye roll before he stepped inside.

He walked into the living room to find his mother on the couch watching what he realized was Titanic, that's sad, he thought and shook his head.
He's mother looked at him acknowledging his presence.

"Jullie." Jason sighed his mother's name and walked to the couch to kiss the back of her hand, "how many times do I have to tell you, don't wait up for me." He kneeled down in front of her.

"And how many times do I have to tell you, call me mom like normal people do." She returned with a smile as she brought her hand to his forehead to push back his brown hair.

"You're too young to call you 'mom'" he told her and she laughed.

It was a true fact though, his mother was much younger than the mothers who have sons in Jason's age.

"How was your day? Did you invite Mikey like I told you?" She asked him still playing with his hair.

"It wasn't so good, and yes I've invited that asshole." He told her, looking up at her.

His mother was a lot like his brother, Jake, she has the same smart Hazel eyes, the same light brown hair and the same sweet smile he used to have.

"Did you take your medicines?" He asked her and got off his knees when he felt the tattoo of Jake started burning against his heart.

He can practically see her eye roll from behind him as she said "yes."

When Jake died, his mother had a great shock that troubled her blood pressure and effected, negatively, on the pulse of her heart, so her doctor gave her some piles to control her pressure.

"Then go to sleep now." The authority in his voice made her chuckle.

He was so overprotective when it comes to her health, she sometimes feel that he is her own father.

She walked to her bedroom with Jason following her like her shadow.

When he made sure she was warm in her bad, he walked towards the door and turned the lights off.

"Love you three thousands." Her sweet voice reached his eyes, and although it was dark, her smile lighted the room.

"Me too." He smile and closed the door gently.

He walked heavily up the stairs, every muscle in his body was cursing at him.
The moment he stumbled into his bad in his work clothes, he closed his eyes.
It was a fucking long day.

Her alarm went off at 6 o'clock, she was still awake from last night's nightmare, she was terrified that she might see her mother's face again, she shook her head and left the bed going to the shower.

She turned the water on, she could really use a hot shower right now.
She stepped out of her clothes and got in.
The hot water burned her creamy skin, but it wasn't hit enough to relax her tensed muscles, she couldn't help but think of her mother's death, it's been 16 years, but the memory was still fresh in her mind as if it happened yesterday, the shouts, the screams, the shotguns, the violence, the savagery, the blood, every small detail was sculptured in her brain that she wanted to rip it of her skull.

Her skin turned pink and she stepped out of the shower, wrapping the towel around her and went to her room.

She blew her hair dry, she remembered that she didn't bring any clothes with her last night except her PJ, so she wore her yesterday's white dress then she grabbed her purse and stood in front of the mirror, she didn't have to apply much makeup , her cheeks were already heated from the shower, she just put some lipstick and mascara and left her old room.

She cursed under her breath at the loud noise her heels were making when she walked down the stairs, the last thing she wanted is to wake her family up and hear a lecture about how impolite is it to walk out of the house without bothering to say goodbye.

She made her way successfully to the bottom of the stairs and walked quietly towards the door.

"Gabriella." The firm voice of her father made her jump and a little cry escaped her mother, she turned around to find him already dressed up in a lack suit, he looked at her, pulling the cigar away from his lips.

"Buongiorno pápá (good morning Dad)." She waved awkwardly before letting her hand slide down against her side after realizing how stupid it was.

"He stepped closer to her." Where are you going this early in the morning?"

"To my apartment, see I didn't bring any clothes." She explained in vain

"It's okay, go back to sleep and I'll send Flavio to get your stuff, Flavio!" He told her as he called at one of his men, and before she could protest, Flavio was standing by the door.

"Padre (father), I need to get to my apartment anyway and I can't stay here cause I've got a job." She said with the sigh, she hates the way her father won't seem to accept the fact the she's an adult.

"I don't understand this independency shit." Sebastian murmured to himself because he jerked his head towards Flavio who's standing awkwardly watching the fight between the father and the daughter, "get her to her place."

"Not happening." Gabriella jumped in shaking her head, she has to hold her ground, "I've got my car." She turned on her heels and started walking towards the door.

"Gabriella." Sebastian sighed, already tired because of her stubbornness, she's just like her mother.

"Dad no!" She walked past Flavio and made her way to the driveway, where her car has been parked last night.

"Follow her and make sure, she got to her apartment safe." He ordered walked towards his office.

"Yes boss." Flavio's voice echoed in the empty halls as he obeyed.

Heyyyyyyyyyy hope you all liked this chapter and plzzzzzzz vote and comment ♥️

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