Chapter Eight

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"Mom I'm going to explode." Jason groaned, wiping his mouth with a napkin.

"It's just a waffle, it won make any harm." She pressed as she pushed the plate in front of him.

"No way, I don't wanna get kicked out of my job if I got fat." He joked as he took a sip from the glass of water in front of him.

"Oh please, your break fast won't last an hour in your stomach, with all the running and chasing and guns and jumping from plans you do..."

"Wow." He interrupted holding both hands in defense, "jumping from plans mom? Do I look like tom Cruise or something?" He got up from the table and made his way out if the kitchen.

Yes, his mother knew about his job the day him, and his brother started working, the rest of the people he knew knows him as an accountant in an airline company.

His mother rolled her eyes dramatically, following him.

"Just be at the birthday at 1." She huffed from behind him.

"So it's a birthday?" He really should pay more attention to his mother's talking.

"Yes, and if you don't bring a present, don't bother to show your ass up there." She warned him and he chuckled at the show your ass up expression.

"Fine." He gave in turning around to face her, "who's birthday it it?"

"Rob and Jasmine's daughter, Rose." She told him.

"Who??!" He practically shouted and his mother raised a brow.

"That girl, that girl..." He couldn't even find the exact words to describe her, "she hates me." He finally said, although "hate" is nothing compared to what she truly felt about him.

"Jason stop being childish." Julie said, disapproval clear in her voice.

"Mom, she kicked me in the balls and I had to lay on the bed for and entire day, with a bottle of been on my crotch." Only remembering the event, brought pain between his thighs.

Julie swallowed the chuckle that took a place down her throat.

"She didn't mean it, she's turning nine, she was just playing." She brought her hand to her mother to hide her giggle and Jason rolled his eyes.

"Listen just come, have some cake, give her the goddamn present and leave." She told him and he sighed with relief.

"Fine." He rubbed his face, "I'll bring a present to Satan's daughter." He kissed her forehead and left for work.

"What the fuck?" Gabriella cursed at the top of her lungs when she spotted Flavio following her in his car.

She was suspicious at first but shook it off, but when she stopped at a red light, she immediately recognized his blood hair from the small mirror.

Her blood was boiling in her veins when she parked the car, only two miles away from her neighborhood.
She left the car, shutting the door with a great force behind her and made her way to the black parked car,  6 feet away from hers.

She knocked, well pounded on the black window that the people walking by stopped nd stared but she really didn't give two shits about it.

Flavio rolled down the window and gave her a nervous smile.

"Ciao (hi/hello)" he greeted her normally.

"I'm gonna ask you a question and you'll answer it directly." She felt her pulse pounding like thunder in her ears.

"Sure." He nodded as if he doesn't know the question already.

"What the fuck are you doing in here?" She asked and it took everything in her to not grab her baseball stick that's been hidden in her trunk and destroy his car, with him in it.

"Umm, changing the gas for the car?" His answer was more like a question and it made her roll he eyes, clearly annoyed.

"See, I didn't know that there's a fucking gas station in my neighborhood, are you shitting me right now?" Her voice began to get louder and the people started to gather, she shoot that a deathly glare and everyone started walking again.

Flavio sighed and rested his head on the steering wheel.

"This is uncool Flavio." She told him crossed her arms over her chest, proving her point.

"I know, but come on, what did you expect me to do? If I said no, I'll be dead by now." He told her and she uncrossed her arms and let out a frustrated breath.

"I know." She really does, an order is an order, and she knows that her father is not the type of person who you say no to, she gotta talk to him about this, "I'm sorry I overreacting and it's not even your fault."

"It's okay I understand." He assured her smiling, "hey wanna get some coffe? It's pretty early and you didn't have breakfast before you sneak out out of the house and get caught red handed." He said and she laughed.

She really could use a warm coffe and a good company, but she gotta a job to go to.

"I really want to, but I've got work and..."

"Come on Gabby, it won't take long." Her interrupted and she smiled.

"Bene (fine)." She gave in and got in the car with him.

"What the hell am I supposed to get her?" Jason asked himself out loud for the thousandth time as he tried to find an empty place in the parking lot of the department.

A gun, the thought made him chuckle, what the worst thing that could happen if he got her one? She could shoot him obviously.

He finally parked his car and stepped out of it and then started walking towards the building, he pulled out his phone and took a glance at the time, it was 7:30, damn he's half on hour late, Elisa is going to kick his ass.

"Morning." He turned around to see mike, his voice was thick and raspy, he was holding a coffee and with his free hand he rubbed his eyes, there were black bugs underneath them, at least he's not the only one who's late.

"Hey... zombie." Jason stated at his friend who laughed but ended with a cough.

"I didn't sleep well last night." He explained the obvious and Jason rolled his eyes.

"I figured, what the hell happened that makes you stay up all night." He asked as they both started walking.

"I'll tell you when we get inside." Mike said and Jason shrugged, it's gotta be something important.

Heyyyyyyyyyyyyy, so yes double update!!!!!!
And as usual, if you liked it comment and vote ♥️

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