Chapter Ten.

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It's been an hour with Jason doing nothing but keeping his eyes at the glass door, Mike was passed out on his desk

His foot was tapping uncontrollably on the floor underneath him, he was so irritated that they wouldn't let him investigate Swan himself, he knew that he could come out with something useful from him, he knows exactly how to deal with people like him, and he gotta find a way to do it without anyone knows it, he has to.

Suddenly he spotted a red head the hall way, of fucking course, he thought to himself.

"Hey Mike, I'm gonna get some coffee, you want anything?" He asked his partner as he pushed his chair back and stood on his feet.

"No." Mike groaned, barely raising his head to look at his friend.

"That's what I thought." Jason mumbled to himself, leaving the office.
He glanced around for Theresa then he saw her standing at the end if the hall, waiting for the elevator.

"Cupcake wait." He pulled her gently by the elbow the moment she was about to step in.

She turned around, her eyes widened and she flushed immediately at the sight of him.

"Do me a favor, will you?" He asked her still holding her arm as she tightened her grip at the field against her chest. She nodded and he smiled.

"I want you to go down and tell the guardian to bring Spencer Swan to the investigation room." He told her and she swallowed hard.

The idea of her being down there, surrounding by every kind of criminals, guardians or not, it scared her to death.

"Sir...I don't think I'm the write person for this." Her voice came out weak and unsure, as if she was having a battle inside of her.

"No you're exactly the write person for this." He assured her in a low tone, she's the only person in the department who would never catch any unnecessary attention.

She looked back and forth between him and the opened elevator then back to him before nodding.

He smiled and touched lightly her heated cheek, "Good, just make sure no one knows." He told her and she nodded rapidity.

He turned on his heels, can't help the smirk on his face, easy as a fucking cupcake.

"How in the hell did you manage to wear this in this weather." Casey's eyes widened when she saw her co-worker wearing a short skirt.

"Well, I don't think it's too cold you know." Gabriella told her as they both got into the elevator.

"Well I'm not sure about that." She wrapped her arms around her as if her coat wasn't warm enough.

Gabriella stepped out of the elevator when she got to her floor, she waved at Casey then made her way to her office.

Before she could enter in, she took a quick glance at the waiting room, she saw Patrick rubbing his temples, holding the phone between his ear and should as he wrote down some notes on his bright green notepad on his desk.

Her eyes traveled to the seats to find  a pregnant woman with her husband holding her hand and she immediately recognized them.

"Here's my favorite clients!" Gabriella beamed and the couple looked up at her before the husband helped his wife to get on her feet, and a huge smile took all over their features.

"I'm thrilled to see you again." She added shaking their hands not bothering to look at Patrick.

"We've been so excited to see you." The wife said rubbing her belly slowly, a wave of overwhelming feeling crossed Gabriella at the beautiful sight, she liked babies, a lot they're soft and small and cute, she even though if adopting one later on life, since she has this fucked up theory about the relationship between men and women.

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