Chapter Twelve.

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The drive for the birthday was silent, Mike nor Jason had said a word about what happened.

Jason's adrenaline still at the highest level, he's blood pressure was flowing through his veins like a fucking tornado.

He was angry, beyond angry.

The happiness she felt when she saw the smile on the couple's face when she finished choosing the right furnitures for the orange colored room was priceless.

This was the best part in her job, that bright smile on the faces of her clients, the way their eyes lighten when they see the room after her work was done, it made her heart jump in satisfaction.

Gabriella refused to be paid and told them that it's a present for the unborn child, and they thanked her for what seemed to be the hundredth time since she met them.

She went back to her office, she glanced at Patrick's desk, he was literally drowning in his paperwork.

"Hey buddy, enough for you today, you can go home." She told him and send him a wink.

She almost chuckled when he pushed all the papers away from him and stood up and hurried towards her.

"Thank you! Really I was about to lose my mind." He told her and wiped the invisible sweat from his forehead.

She smiled at him and patted his shoulder before he took off and she walked inside her office.

Her smile disappeared immediately when she saw her phone ringing on the desk with, "Padre." Written on the screen.

With a frustrated breath she picked it up and answered the call.

"Che cos'è! (What is it!)" She snapped then bites her tongue, the last thing she wanted now is to have a fight with her father over manners.

"guarda la tua lingua quando parli con tuo padre! (Watch your language when you talk to your father!" He fired back, he has to worn her every single time but it seems pointless, he sighed and rubbed his eyes.

After hearing about Spencer being caught for the second time, the last thing he wanted to do is to have a fight with his daughter over manners.

He sighed and continued, "Dobbiamo parlare.(we need to talk.)"

"sì, sicuramente lo facciamo. (Yeah, we definitely do." She said and hang up.

"Fuck." Jason groaned the moment they stopped at a red light, he remembered to bring a fucking present to Satan's daughter.

"What is it?" Mike asked him, fuck wasn't exactly the word he was expecting him to stay after 10 minutes of silence...was it?

"I forgot to bring a present." He said rubbing his temples.

"What present?" Mike was puzzled now, 10 minutes ago his friend was about to murder a prisoner, and now he's talking about a present.

"For the birthday party we're going to." He told him as they passed the green light.

"So it's a birthday party...should I get something though?"

"Nah, she'll probably threw it right at your face and kick you in the balls, whatever you get her." He told him as he spotted a small shop in the corner on the sidewalk.

"Just pull over for a second." He asked Mike and he obeyed looking at him, "I won't be long." He left the car and jogged towards the small shop.

Her heels clicked loudly as she stepped into her father's house, yes they gotta talk, they need to, he has to understand that spying on her isn't getting him anywhere, he gotta fit that into his mind, weather he likes it or not.

She opened the door, startling the two bodyguards in front of it.

Her father was setting behind his cherry wooden desk, he's black suit made him appeared more powerful, he pulled the cigar away from his lips, and looked up at her, only his figure made her want to leave the office and forget all about.

But she's not doing it anymore, she gotta stand her ground, she's 25, she's an adult, he has no right to control her life as if she still a child.

His brown eyes were pouring into her green ones, he looked over at the two men standing behind her, and with a jerk of his head, they both disappeared, leaving them alone in the office.

Suddenly the air got thick, too thick for her to breath, the sound of the clock ticking, announcing that the time is passing, made her ears ache, all of a sudden, she felt too small and weak, too fragile to even stare at him, her eyes ripped off of his brown ones, and he sighed.

"Sit, Gabriella." He ordered her, and she obeyed without thinking.

"You can play the role of the overpowered father and start talking first." The words rolled off her tongue without taking her permission, she looked at him, she fought the urge to apologise, like she always do.

"Wanting you to respect me, doesn't make me overpowered, Gabriella." He said as he smashed the end of his cigar against the hard glass of his ashtray, she suddenly felt like that cigar, the way he smashed it, like it was nothing, she took a deep breath before looking at him again.

"I want you to move back in here." He told her more like a statement, as if he wouldn't count anything she was about to say, and that makes her blood pressure go high.

Her fists balled against her sides, his words brought back confidence to her.

"You don't get to tell me what to do, and this is the last time I'm gonna tell you this, you don't own me okay?" His hard stare was burning her own eyes but she didn't break it, she held her ground staring back at him as hard as she could.

"It's not about me owning you, it's about your personal safety, and it's safer for you in here." He told her as he took a sip from the black coffee in front of him.

"What if I died tomorrow?" Her words made him choke.

"Che cosa?(what?)"

"e se morissi domani?(what if I died tomorrow?) She translated, even though she was curtain he got her every word, "what if I just died, no one broke in the house and put a gun between my eyes, it just happened that I didn't wake up." She shrugged and he kept his cold stare on her.

She really caught him off guard, he was expecting her to fight back and accept, eventually, but this...this is new.

When he didn't say anything, she stood to her feet and smoothed her skirt.

"I'm gonna go now, and thanks for...well nothing." She said simply and made her way to the wooden door.

"Gabriella come back here I'm not done yet." Sebastian's voice was firm as he stood on his feet as well.

"I am." She fired back and slammed the door shut.

Heyyyyyyyyyyyyy so this is a new update, hope you'll like and and plzzzzzzz vote and comment ♥️

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