Chapter Nine

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"I spent my night explaining to my father the real nature of my job." Mike explain with a low tone the moment the stepped inside the building.

Jason jerked his head towards him before bursting into a loud laughter that some of the employees glared at him clearly annoyed.
He remembered the first time him and Jake told Julie about their job, she nearly threw them off the balcony.

"I know exactly what you're talking about." Jason continued with the same loud pitch.

One of the employees stood from her desk, the shade of red on her cheeks mached her hair, showing how irritated she was.

"Sir please, we're trying to work here." Theresa, that's what the card on her chest read, said with the most respectful tone she could manage.

The two agents looked at her, Mike didn't say anything, instead he brought the Starbucks cup to his lips.
Jason pressed his lips tightly together, preventing himself from laughing, the way her cheeks are flaming, remained him of  a little girl that her candy has been taken by bullies.

"Alright cupcake, we'll try to keep it down." He told her with a playful smirk before he started walking again with mike, and it literally took every bone in him to not moke her, he was afraid that if he did, she'd jump on him and scratch his face.

"She's so..."

"Don't." Mike looked at his partner rasing a finger to stop him, that girl seemed so soft and too innocent for his dirty words.

"Whatever." Jason huffed as they met David in the hall way, he practically stumbled into them as he was reading the papers in his arms.

"Here you are guys, I've been looking for you since..."

"Go straight to the point." Mike sighed, finish his coffe, he already have a headache and David was giving him more already.

David pushed his glasses up his noise and cleared his throat as he looked through his papers and took out a field and handed it to Mike who pushed it towards Jason, he can't barely see straight, let alone reading.

"What's this?" Jason asked as he opened the field to see Spence's photo at the top of the front page.

"It's Spencer Swan's field, from last night's investigation, he wouldn't say anything, we asked him who he was working with and from where did he get the arms, and he said that he work on his own and all the weapons were his, we threatened him, but nothing seemed to work."

Jason rubbed his chin thoughtfully, of course he didn't believe Spencer, there's no way in hell he could have got all the arms out if the blue, there's must be someone else, someone who has the upper hand.

"Alright four eyes, I'll go talk to him." Jason slapped the field against David's chest.

"Umm, no, I don't think that's a good idea." Jason said holding his paperwork tightly against his, now aching chest.

"Yep, I guess he's right." Mike agreed, throwing the empty plastic cup in the trash basket against the wall.

"Why the hell not?" Jason waved his hand in the air.

"Becouse." Mike started chuckling, "the last time you've been to an investigation, it didn't end up well."

"What?" Jason was now puzzled, it's been a long time since he has been investigating.

"It was a year ago, and you were investigating Ben Conner, a Hitman, and caused a serious demage in the investigation room by destroying the property of the department, in addition to attacking Connor and caused a prettyyy, serious damage to him, physically and mentally." David explained, pushing his white glasses for what seemed to be the hundredth time since he stumbled into them.

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