〜Short special〜

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Hey! These are from an extra chapter in the manga so I thought it would be fun to bring it here! I also added a few scenes so enjoy〜

Nezuko's aspirations...

One day the younger sibling trio (Takeo, Hanak and Shigeru) decided they were going to ask their older siblings what kind of person they would want to marry! Let's see what they say...

     Takeo went to go find his older sister, finding her with a baby Rokuta who was asleep. Seeing this as an opportunity, he asked it right out of the bat, "What sort of a man does nee-san like?"

     "Eh-why did you suddenly ask that?" Nezuko asked, looking to the side, blushing. Rokuta was now away, hanging on to Takeo's haori, bored.

     "It's alright, tell me, tell me!" he pestered his sister with a smile on his face. "Hm..."

     "Hey hey, what sort of a man?"

     She clapped her hands one her cheeks, blushing madly with her eyes closed, "It would be great if I could meet a man like hisha," she said dreamily. Her younger brother stared weirdly at his nee-san's thinking.

     (Hisha roughly translates to 'flying chariot and is the equivalent to the rook in chess. Hisha, a piece of shogi that is able to move both horizontally and vertically. Becomes Ryuo once entering enemy territory)


     "What sort of wife does nii-san want to marry?" Shigeru asked with Hanako next to him. Tanjiro looked at his siblings with a stunned look, unsure how to answer their innocent question.

     'What sort of wife...What sort of wife...They are both still young so if I don't use some sort of reference something easily understood or they will misunderstand. Easily understood to children...how about animals? Ah. If it's woman I can reference flowers. Yeah, flowers would work as a metaphor...'

     "A Shiba Inu like a lily of the valley!" He exclaimed with a confident look on his face. The two children began to freak out, running to their mother who was busy cookig, arm's.

     "Mama! Nii-san said he wants to marry a dog!"


     "Mama, what do we do!?"

     It took Fujiko the rest of the night to convince her younger siblings that their older brother does not want to in fact marry a dog, but a good-natured, loyal, pure and humble. (that's what shibas and lily of the valley stand for from my research).


     The violet-eyed girl stopped chopping wood and left that duty to her older brother in order to calm down all her siblings, so along with Nezuko and Rokuta, they headed down to the village to buy some dumplings. Since it was early in the morning and spring, the walk wasn't too bad and was easy. When they were at Obaachan's shop, who was happy to see all the children, they took the opportunity to ask when Nezuko went inside to buy the dumplings.

     "Nee-chan, what kind of man do you want to marry?" Takeo asked, watching her hold a happy Rokuta. She looked surprised at the answer, and wanting to avoid a  Tanjiro scenario, she ignored the question overall.

     "Since I probably won't get married, I want to become a crazy old lady that has a chariot pulled by cats of all different colours and sizes. After that, I'll live in a tree and scare any passer-bys," she said with a smile, eyes sparkling at the idea. Since they were used to their nee-chan being a weirdo, they just sat there silently. Since Obaachan thought they were all sick from how silent they were, she gave them the Dango and mochi on the house.

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