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Buffy's P.O.V.*

I stepped out of the locker room, and into the main dining area. I spotted Marty in his seat, eating his taco bowl. So I headed over to him with a smile on my face. Fluffing my curly hair with my hadn on my way over. 

"Hey, Marty!" I said with a grin.

"Buffy! Here, take a seat." Marty said pointing to the seat directly in front of him. 

I slipped into the seat, of the booth, smiling at him as he ate, his taco bowl. I looked up at the clock it was 4 pm, which meant I had two hours of free time before I had to head over to 7 eleven for my cashier job. 

"Oh, where are my manners!?" Marty chuckled handing me a spoon. "Dig in." He said pushing the taco bowl until it was sitting between us. 

"Thanks," I said with a smile.

I picked up the spoon Marty had handed to me, putting it into the taco bowl, scooping up some beans, beef, and lots of cheese. I loved taco bowls, but they were slightly expensive, and I didn't want to overpay for food.

I stuffed the spoon into my mouth nearly melting at the amazing taste of the food. I have no idea how long it's been since I've had a taco bowl it's been over 3 months since I graduated from college 3 months ago. Marty saw this chuckling a bit at me as I stuck my spoon into the bowl for another spoon of deliciousness.

"When was the last time you had a taco bowl?" Marty asked chuckling.

"Like 3 months, I haven't able to afford much since I graduated from college," I said not looking from the taco bowl.

"Oh, I'm sorry about that." He said scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. "Well, if you ever need to borrow money for anything even if it's for an illegal reason just call me up." 

"Really?" I asked looking up at him. 

"Yeah, of course. You're my friend." Marty said smiling at me.

"That's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me," I said remembering how miserable the last ten years have been. 

"I'm honored," Marty said smiling at me as he handed me a new straw. "Enjoy."

I took the straw opening it up sticking it into the large soda, that sat between us. I sipped on the straw feeling the chilly soda, running down my throat. That honestly felt amazing. I looked around the restraint. 

This place seriously reminded me, of the spoon, and sitting here with Marty reminded me of the days when he and I were close friends hanging out after school. My life had been perfect and carefree. Where on earth had my life gone wrong?

"Want to maybe go for a walk. When we're done eating?" Marty asked picking up another spoon of taco.

"I'd love too, but you should know I have to work at seven so we'll need to be quick," I informed Marty, as I took another spoon of taco and slipped it into my mouth. 

"Again? Didn't you just finish working?" Marty asked me confused.

"I can't afford rent with just one job so I have 3," I said taking a sip of soda.

"3? But I thought you graduated from college, can't you just go apply for one really good one?" Marty asked as he let me have the final spoon of taco.

"I don't have to apply for a job right now," I said stretching my arms. "Job hunting is a process I don't have time for."

"What do you have a degree in?" Marty asked drinking some soda.

"Computer Science," I said yawning.

"Perfect!" Marty said smiling, as I finished the last of the soda.

"How?" I asked him standing up. 

"Because I own a company and we're looking for someone who knows stuff about Computer Science!" Marty said with an excited grin. "Have you heard of 'Gamer's Kingdom'?" Marty asked me.

I swear I'd heard of that, but I couldn't place my finger on it. Didn't Daniel, always used to talk about it? Yeah, it was Daniel, he was obsessed with video games. That must have been it. But I couldn't talk about my ex with Marty not when we still haven't talked about our kiss, from all those years ago.

"Yeah, I've come across the name once or twice," I said casually.

"Yeah! I'm the founder." Marty said as we stepped out of the restaurant and onto the crowded street.

"Your lying!" I said shocked.

"Nope!" Marty said pulling out his phone. "Look." He said as he googled 'founder of Gamer's Kingdom.'

And sure enough, when the results loaded there was a picture of Marty in a fancy collared shirt, speaking out ion a conference with his name under the photo. Marty Reyes. I had to admit he looked hot, at that conference.

"That's way awesome!" I said smiling at Marty.

"So you up for the job?" Marty asked smiling happily.

"Sure why not," I said smiling. 

This was amazing a new job! A job that wouldn't pay me 12 dollars an hour! Wow, a new friend and a new job in one day. Marty and I walked to the other side of town together, making our way slowly to the 7 eleven that I worked at. 

Since we got there a bit earlier then I needed to be, we headed to the park across the street. We sat at a park bench talking about life and what we've done recently. When it reached 6:45 I told Marty that I should be heading to work. 

So he told me that tomorrow whenever I was free to head over to, his office building. To get past security he gave me a guest card and told me to tell them my name, and they would let me up. Then when I was there, he'd give me all the details for the new job. 

That was a lot of information to take in but I believe that I'll be ready for it! Ready for a new job and maybe a new life if I could possibly manage.

Here's for hoping.


Chapter two is up! How are you guys enjoying this so far? Please tell me! Anyways please vote, comment, and follow me for more content! Stay safe, stay healthy and keep reading! Much Love!


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