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*Third Person View*

Life was perfect. Marty and Buffy had been going out for 6 months. And one month ago, Buffy had moved into the penthouse to live with him. They were happy. And they'd rekindled their middle school romance. It seemed as if no time had passed, for them. They were still acting like competitive children but they were also in love.

Marty had realized that he'd never been this happy with Angie. (And his pockets felt heavier again.) Buffy was finally well cared for. She didn't have to work too much, well she actually only work once in a while since Marty insisted on giving her, vacation days almost every day.

But Buffy wasn't complaining. She finally had the chance to do what she loved to do again, play sports. They went almost every weekend to the country club, to play basketball, together or run the track together. 10 years later and they still got it.

"Marty!" Buffy called from her spot laid down on the couch.

"Yeah, babe?" Marty called as he walked around the kitchen preparing some pasta for lunch.

"I'm bored!" She groaned starting at the TV in bored. She'd been watching TV all morning but she'd finally bored her self out.

"Wanna go shopping? Or maybe we could go to the country club." Marty suggested as he stirred the pot of boiling pasta.

"I have a better idea!" Buffy said sitting up on the couch, turning her head to look a Marty in the kitchen.

"What is it?" Marty asked smiling at her as he sprinkled some salt into the pot.

"You can come and watch TV with me!" She said with a happy gleam in her eyes.

"Fine. Just let me take this off of the stove." Marty said rolling his eyes playfully.

Buffy turned back around to face the TV where she was watching Hamilton, singing the lyrics under her breath. Marty took the pot of pasta pouring the pasta into the strainer letting the water drip before pouring into a large bowl to cool down for lunch.

He walked over to the couch, smirking down at Buffy who was wearing tiny shorts, and Marty's favorite Knicks jersey. Her curly hair was in a high ponytail, and she had a fuzzy blanket thrown over her legs. Marty walked around the couch, as Buffy sat up so that he could sit down beside her.

Buffy threw her legs over Marty's as she put her head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder, as she cuddled closer to him. On the TV they listened to Guns and Ships form Hamilton.

Marty loved Hamilton with all of his heart which is why when Buffy looked at him she realized he was wearing a Hamilton shirt ready wrap his favorite song.

"Lafayette! I'm taking this horse by the reins. Making redcoats redder with bloodstains!" Marty belted out the lyric making Buffy chuckled by his side.

"Lafayette! And I'm never gonna stop until I make 'em drop. And burn 'em up and scatter the remains!" Buffy belted out the next party as Marty laughed along with her.

"I'm—Lafayette!" Buffy and Marty called out together, bursting out in laughter, as Lafayette on the screen continued to rap the lyrics.

But Marty and Buffy completely ignored the screen as they looked into each other's eyes. And just like that Marty's lips found themselves on Buffy's as they began kissing heatedly, with Buffy's arms around Marty's neck and Martys, hand up Buffy's shirt. They continued to kiss not once coming up for air.

"Lafayette!" The tiny Lafayette called out form the TV making Buffy and Marty jump apart laughing.

Life couldn't get any better than this. Cuddling, kissing, watching musicals, and eating pasta. Like they were kids again. Nothing seemed to have changed. And seems it never would. Not in ten years, not in twenty, not ever. Because Marty and Buffy were made for each other. They were so perfect for each other that people tended to call them 'Muffy' when they were together.

But they were happy and that was all that mattered. Buffy had made new friends at work and had learned how to open up more thanks to Marty. And Marty had finally felt like he belonged somewhere. And that somewhere was in Buffy's open arms. Their feelings for each other would never truly burn out.

They'd always manage to rekindle their romance.

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