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Buffy's P.O.V.*

I let go of Marty smiling at him gratefully, as he looked around uncomfortably. I felt like something was on his mind. Which then again there probably was. I mean yeah he was probably going to have an argument with his girlfriend because of me. He seemed to read my mind as he began to speak again.

"Listen this isn't your fault," he said putting a hand on my cheek sending a spark through my body. "I'm really sorry about what she did."

"It's fine, I get it she was jealous," I said sighing, I wish I could be jealous but I couldn't he wasn't mine.

"Yeah well, it wasn't right for her to take it out on you," Marty said looking as if he was thinking things over before taking my hand.

"It's fine really," I said nervously as to what he was going to say.

"I'm breaking up with her," Marty said out of nowhere.

"What? Why?"

Angie was going to kill me. I knew it she was going to think that this was all my fault. She was going to think that I made Marty hate her or something or that I had told him what she did. Which of course I didn't he'd seen it for himself. I'd just elaborated on what he'd seen. And now I was going to get my butt kicked by a tiny blonde rich bitch. Great.

"She's been on edge for a long time. But attacking someone over it? That's too much." Marty said sighing in frustration.

"Oh," I said awkwardly looking at my feet. Well, this wasn't going to end well for anyone.

"Well is there anything else you want to buy?" Marty asked with a generous smile on his face.

"Um, no thanks," I said blushing as he nodded his head understandingly.

"Let's get going then." He said leading me over to the cash register, where I stood in line, with Marty beside me.

I stood there holding the money he had given me along with the dress, as he stood upon the balls of his feet before falling back down to the ground. He seemed really bored, so I turned to him nervously.

"Why are you waiting for me?" I asked smiling.

"I want to take you to the country club, just to hang out as friends," He said smiling. "Do you have a bathing suit?"

"No, I haven't had time for swimming in ages," I said awkwardly.

"Well, then I'll hold your stuff while you go get a new one," Marty said taking the dress, and money from my hands, as I stepped out of line.

I nodded shyly, before walking over to the swimsuit section looking for something simple and cheap. After looking around for one minute I found, a light blue one-piece, which came with white boardwalk shorts which were perfect.

I picked up the clothes, heading back over to the line, where Marty was waiting for me with only one person left in front of us. I smiled holding up the swimsuit. He smiled back as we moved up towards the cache register. He placed the dress into the counter as I placed the swimsuit and shorts. 

I took the one hundred from Marty handing it to the clerk, who rang up the clothing items giving us back 82 dollars, with a smile on her face as she handed us the bag of clothes. I smiled at her one last time as we headed away from the cash registers.

"So the country club?" I asked with a laugh.

"Yeah, it's what we rich people do," Marty said with a wink as I laughed.

"Do you own a yacht?" I asked smirking.

"Maybeeeee," Marty said stuffing his hands into his picket as he led me down the street.

"Oh my god seriously!" I said laughing at him playfully.

"I could take you there someday. We could eat rich people's food and dive into the lake!" Martu said animatedly, as we continued on our way to his rich people country club.

"Sure sounds fun," I said grinning at him.

And just like that Marty and I had managed to become pretty great friends again, and a little something more as we made our way to his rich people country club, to do what rich people do best. Relaxing by the pool as people brought them food.

And it would be amazing.

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