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Buffy's P.O.V.*

Work was finally over. I stepped into the locker room, to quickly change and head home. I really hated this job for one reason. It ended at 11 pm, meaning not many people were out at night. Meaning a great chance of some crackhead walking up to me. Once I took off my work clothes, I stuffed them into my work clothes, before putting on my own clothes from earlier. 

Once I finished I walked up to the mirror I fluffed up my hair a bit and put on a bit of lip gloss, before heading out the door of the locker room. My boss had taken his shift behind the counter so I walked over to him with a smile.

"I'll see you tomorrow, night," I said smiling at Damien.

Damien was two years older then me, this store had been his dad's but his dad recently died, so now he's in charge of the store. And I had to admit, he was seriously cute. He was at least 6 '3 with perfect pearly white teeth, pale skin, green eyes, and rosy cheeks. I wouldn't say I had a crush on him, I just think he's cute but if he asked me out I'd say yes.

"Later, beautiful." He said reaching over the counter, between us to put one of my strands of curly hair behind my ear. 

I bit my lip to stop from blushing, as I smiled up at him. I nodded slowly, before backing up. I waved at him before walking out the door. The second I stepped out the door, forgetting that the doors were clear I stood there, slapping my head. 

I wasn't good with boys, I could barely talk to a boy without embarrassing myself. I decided I was too tired, to look around for a cab since most of them were gone for the night. So I sat across the street at the bench Marty had sat at before. 

I pulled out my phone which was fully charged since I was smart enough to beg Damien to let me charge it. I put on a Youtube video trying to take my mind off of the night time chill. I didn't have a jacket on, all I had was an oversized shirt and small shorts. 

Just as I was about to start a second video 10 minutes later, you heard someone running towards you. It was too dark to see who it was so you shined your phone light at them.

"Damien?" I asked, with a small laugh in my voice.

"Yes?" He asked back.

"Why aren't you working?" I asked as if it was obvious. 

"My brother's in there now," Damien said with a smile.

"Have a seat," I said patting the bench beside me as I put my backpack onto the ground.

"I was actually wondering if you wanted to go out on a date," Damien asked bluntly. No awkwardness no shyness, nothing. This kid was growing on me.

"Sure, but not now I'm exhausted," I said with a tired smile.

"How about I drive you home and we can talk about the time of the date tomorrow over the phone?" Damien asked offering me his hand.

"Perfect," I said taking his offered hand. 

He helped me up not letting go of me as he led me over to his bright red hatchback. He opened the car door for me as I stepped inside. Forget Marty this guy was cute and sweet. He smiled at me before walking over to the driver's side, slipping into his seat. I was so tired I shut my eyes, to relax.

when I opened them up I found us outside, my apartment building. I smiled at Damien, he was looked really hot right now. I looked at him for a second. Before leaning over and kissing him. He kissed my back over the armrests. 

Since I was small I ended up crawling onto his lap with my legs on either side of him as I ran my fingers through his hair. His hand's rested on my thighs, as I continued to kiss him fiercely. And surprisingly he kissed me back. 

This was way better than that stupid eight-grade kiss with Marty. Stop thinking about Marty! We broke apart as smiling at each other, as we tried to catch our breath. I shifted my position so that I was like a  baby cradled into his arms as he held me there. That was just what I needed wight now. I lifted my face so that he could look directly into my eyes. 

"Can you walk me upstairs," I asked with a shimmer in my eye. 

"For sure," He said with a similar glint in his eye.

He reached for my backpack, holding it with his fingers, as he carried me with both of his arms. I hid my face in his chest, as he walked us into the lobby. Then we walked into the elevator. Damien placed me onto the ground in standing position, as he put a hand on my waist. 

I put my arms around his neck, as I began to kiss him. He kissed me back as he pushed me into him. The elevator opened up so I quickly grabbed his hand, pulling him towards my apartment quickly. I unlocked the door, fumbled with the key as I did so. If only Marty could see me now! Fuck! Stop thinking about Marty! I quickly shut the door behind us. I led him to my room.

And soon after we did what we had to do we fell asleep together.


Yesterday I went to the beach for my ex-best friend's (we just drifted apart no drama lol) surprise birthday party! It was so lit, and the food was amazing! We went to this amazing beach/park, and we literally walked on large walks around the edge, of the water! What did you guys do for fun? Or what are you planning to do? Stay safe, stay healthy, and keep reading! Much love!


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