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Marty's P.O.V.*

I can't believe I just did that. Buffy literally just ran away from me. All because I tried to kiss her. Why had I tried to kiss her!? What if she told Angie? My whole life would be ruined! I didn't even think about what I had been doing. I just did it. Why would she ever want to get back together with me? I was crazy to believe that she liked me. 

I was supposed to explain all of the job information to Buffy today. But I guess all just email everything to her. Ugh god, I'm so stupid. And I'm a horrible liar. Angie would 100% be able to figure out that something was bothering me. I basically threw myself at her. If she hadn't resisted I probably would have gotten deeper into trouble.

But what was I supposed to do now? She was probably going to try and tell Angie. Who would obviously break up with me, and then I'd be alone. But I couldn't lie to myself. I may like Buffy. A little more then I thought I did. She'd always been in my mind. Even after all of these years. She was never far from my thoughts. And I guess in the last couple of hours my feelings just all came flooding back drowning me in thoughts.

I stood up from the couch of guilt stepping into the hallway. I needed to clear my mind. So I headed into the white bathroom, washing my face, before heading into my bedroom. I walked over to my closet, pulling out white swim trunks, a white towel, underwear, a yellow beach t-shirt, black shorts, sunscreen, sunglasses, my laptop, and my work phone. 

I stuffed everything into my black backpack, except for the swim trunks and the beach shirt. I took off everything I was wearing instead, putting on the swim trunks and shirt. Then I through my backpack over my shoulder, as I stepped out of the room. 

Once I was out of the room I headed over to the shoe's rack beside the elevator. I quickly tapped the elevator button before turning to the rack to pick up my back flipflops. Once I slipped them on the elevator door opened. But the moment, the door opened and I stepped inside, I found myself face to face with Angie. 

"Oh, you're going to the country club!" She said smilign.

"Yeah," I said smilign at my adorable girlfriend.

The guilt of what I did quickly came rushing back to me but I pushed it down. I couldn't let her figure out that something was wrong. If she figured out I'd lose everything that I loved. 

"Why didn't why you invite me?" She asked smile falling.

"I thought you were busy," I said scratching my neck.

"Okay." She said still frowning as she stepped out of the elevator before it shut.

The moment the door shut, I felt the breath I hadn't known I had been holding escape me. What was I going to do? I couldn't just keep trying to avid Angie. I knew that I was going to have to face her but, how? Angie and I have been dating for 2 years. She knows everything about me, and I her. And the thing about that is that she knows when I'm nervous. This was seriously going to cause a lot of problems. She was going to figure out what was going on right away. And I was doomed. 

The elevator door opened revealing the well furnished, lobby of my company building. I walked over to the secretary's desk with a smile to mask my current feelings. 

"Hey, do you think you could free my whole afternoon schedule?" I asked her with a smile.

"Of course, there's just one thing that can't be rescheduled, but it'll only take you a couple of minutes." She said as she edited my online schedule.

"What is it?" I asked as I liked around the lobby.

"You have a quick phone call with a possible, buyer." She said with a smile, handing me an info card with a time scribbled on it. "He'll be calling you around 3 this afternoon, about the new wireless Galaxy Headphones." She said smilign.

"Okay thank you," I said with a smile, as she nodded. "Have a good day," I said walking away.

"You too sir." She said smilign. 

I really wish that I could have a good day, but it was probably going to be stressful.

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