Chapter one

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Trigger warning: suicide, self-harm and depression
Dave's p.o.v March 10 2020
"Worthless..." Dave yells at himself in his thoughts while looking bitterly in the mirror "you dumb worthless faggot! What do you think your parents would say if they knew you were gay? Oh yeah that you're a disgrace because that's exactly what you are! You don't deserve to be ALIVE!!!". It isn't the first time he stands here yelling at the mirror. It happens at least once or twice a day.

His parents think he's straight but he's not. He only dates girls so they won't get suspicious but he has never loved any of them. "Poor girls they must think I love them when in reality I'm just using them so my parents will belive my lies". The longest relationship he has had with a girl lasted one year because they never saw each other.

"I wish I could just be myself so I didn't have to lie all the time"

His parents had been really mad when he released spectrum but he had convinced them that he only did it for the money and so that he didn't lose his fans. Same with his rainbow ring. They weren't happy but they had accepted his lies as the truth.

He sighs and goes downstairs to the kitchen to make himself a bowl of corn flakes. He flips his messy hair over his shoulder and sits down with his breakfast. It's corn flakes with no milk since there wasn't any and Dave didn't wanna drive all the way to the store. If he was to go buy milk he would have to brush his hair and with the state, his hair was in it would take hours.

"I have to brush it soon anyways... I promised to visit Joel this week" Dave mumbles.

He didn't want Joel to see him like this. He would probably lose all his respect for him and Dave didn't want that.

"I should ask him when I should arrive," Dave thinks and grab his phone. Great, it's dead... now he has to go find a charger and wait for it to charge. Luckily there is a charger close to him so he just put the phone in the charger. Now all he has to do is waiting for the phone to charge.

"I might as well get started brushing my stupid hair. I should probably dye it too"

The bowl with corn flakes forgotten Dave goes upstairs and find his hairbrush. The floor is filled with pizza takeaway boxes and clothes from when he was too tired to do anything. "Gross".

After a bit of searching, he finds it under a pile of old t-shirts. He picks it up and goes out to the mirror.

"I should probably take a shower first it'll make it easier to brush". He quickly showers and steps out on the bathroom floor his wet hair dripping down on the stones. With a sigh, he takes the hairbrush and begins.

After 4 hours he was done

"Finally. Done." Dave thinks looking into the mirror. There was still the washed-out red stripe he needed to fix but know at least his hair was brushed.

Now the phone has charged so he texts Joel

D: Hey

J: Hi

D: When should I come over?

J: I thought you could come over tomorrow at 1 pm. If that's fine with you?

D: Whatever I'll be there

J: ok bye❤️

D: bye

"Did he just write a heart?... Nah that must have been a mistake probably autopilot" Dave thinks and turn off the phone.

Then he goes to the bathroom to dye his hair.

Joel p.o.v
"I can't wait to see Dave tomorrow! I've missed him" Joel thinks. "I hope he doesn't mind that he has to sleep in the basement. There isn't enough room anywhere else. Let's also hope this coronavirus doesn't get worse".

"It'll be fun to hang out with my friend again" he felt a pang of sadness that they were only friends but he ignored it and went to bed.

Joel was walking down a long dark road. Everything was silent around him and the trees long branches loomed over his head.

After what felt like forever he arrived at a little house. "This is Dave's house? But what am I doing here".

He goes over to the door and knocks on but nobody answers. He silently pushes the door open and steps inside "Hallo? Is anyone here?" He yells nervously. Something about this place just rubs him the wrong way and the fact that it's night don't help either.

"Dave?! Where are you?" He calls going into the other room. Nothing.

Now he's beginning to get really scared and after a couple of more rooms, there's only one room left. Dave's bedroom.

The door opens and Joel gasp in horror. Dave is hanging in a rope in the ceiling dead. On his arms, there are signs of self-harm and his long hair is messy with a washed-out red stripe. It's clearly been a few weeks since he committed suicide and his body is rotting. The smell in the room is horrible and there are rats. Many of them and they're eating Dave's corpse. Joel closes his eyes and tries to run away but the rats attack him and...

Joel sits up in his bed with a scream.

"Calm down Joel it was just a dream. Just a dream"

Someone help me... What the fuck have I written?

Not my art but someone on reddit

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