Chapter six

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Daves p.o.v 13 march 2020
It wasn't the pain from the cuts that woke him up but more the feeling of someone plaiting his hair? Dave looks up at Joel that's so concentrated on plaiting the red streak in his hair he doesn't even notice he's awake. "He looks so damn cute when he's concentrated on something," Dave thinks blushing softly. Joel still hasn't noticed he's awake and watching him attentively through half-closed eyes. "This feels nice" Dave knows he shouldn't be doing this but right now he didn't care. "You can fuck of mom and dad. Just let me enjoy the moment" maybe it's just because he's so tired that he doesn't care about them or what they would say. Normally he would freak out if this happened. Joel finished plaiting the plait and take a moment to just admire it before beginning undoing it again but Dave stops him. "I think I'll keep it in," he says softly and looks up at Joel.

"Oh you're awake," Joel says and blush furiously. "Don't worry I only just woke up" Dave smirks and sits up in the couch. He feels a bit cold without Joel to keep him warm but if stays down it'll just make it weird. Not that it isn't already the silence is deafening. "Joel probably feels a bit nervous about being busted in plaiting my hair. Maybe I should tell him I don't mind, but that would just make it more awkward I think" Dave actually really liked the plait it was pretty.

"I didn't know you were good at plaiting Joel," Dave says teasingly. "My ex-girlfriend Beth always made me plait her hair so I've practised" Joel answers still a bit flustered. For some reason, this hit Dave a bit harder than he thought it would, maybe because a part of him wanted Joel to love him. "Of course he learned it from Beth. Those two meant everything to each other. They truly were the dream couple, perfect for each other. Stop thinking you could ever have anything like that". Dave looked down on his wrist that was covered in bandage. "You're so messed up, I mean, just look what you did to your arms and you have a bloody crush on your best friend. That's so fucked up!". Dave knew he would never act on it, he didn't wanna lose what they already had or make it awkward.

"Hey is something wrong Dave?" Joel asks concerned. "Other than these bloody cuts and the fact that my parents are homophobic as hell and I have depression then no, everything is fine," Dave says sarcastically. It wasn't his intentions to sound so rude but that's how it came out. Joel flinch and look a bit hurt and pained for a moment before he quickly masks all his emotions. "I'm sorry I'll just leave" Joel mutters and stand up. "No, wait! I didn't mean to sound so mean" Dave says quickly a bit embarrassed at how desperate he sounded. Joel sits down on the couch again looking warily at Dave.

"How're your arms feeling today," Joel asks still looking a bit wary but mostly concerned. "Oh, it's fine. They're fine" Dave says. It's a lie they feel horrible but he doesn't want Joel to know that "It's my problem, not his". Joel doesn't buy it "I need you, to be honest with me Dave. How are your arms feeling?". "I told you they're fine" Dave answers looking Joel straight in the eyes trying to resist the urge to look away. Joel sighs and gives up on making Dave tell him. "Fine let me see them. We need to change the bandage" Joel says and Dave gives him one of his arms.

"I don't think we need to change the bandage. It's just a few cuts that don't even bleed anymore" Dave reasons with Joel. "Better safe than sorry Dave" Joel retorts and begins talking of the bandage. Every time Joel even touched Dave's arm he felt a fresh wave of pain wash over him. "I'm just being a huge wuss. He's clearly trying to be gentle and make it the least possible painful experience". Still, it hurt and a Dave was having a hard time muffling his small screams of pain. Joel looked like he was really trying his best to make it less painful but a Dave was really sensitive so it didn't help that much. Dave was slightly aware he must look pathetic. Trying to stifle his screams while his friend had to do the work for him.

"How did it ever get this bad?" Dave asks himself while Joel takes off the last of the bandage. Joel was being such a good friend. He always is but right now he was just proving it once again. Dave knew he could trust him with his life and wouldn't be scared to do so. There was yesterday but Dave knew Joel didn't want it to end that bad and besides he was just mad. "Honestly I don't blame him at all. It was me who did it and he's trying his best to help me".

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