Chapter two

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Trigger warning: Depression
Dave's p.o.v March 11 2020
It is a perfect morning Dave wake up to yet he doesn't feel any happiness... He never does. "Ugh, why can't I just be normal! I want to have a different brain so I can enjoy life and not be sad all the time. I wanna be happy for god's sake! Is that too much to ask for?".

He grabs one of his shirts and put it on. It looks like he has bought some very oversized clothes so much weight has he lost. "What will Joel think if he finds out," Dave thinks nervously "Not that it matters cause he won't".

He walks downstairs and looks over at the bowl with corn flakes he didn't eat yesterday. "I might as well try to eat something, I have to do at when I'm with Joel so I should try to grow accustomed to it".

Of course, he has been hungry but he just couldn't bother to go get food. Maybe a small part of him even hoped that he would die of starvation so he didn't have to live this life anymore.

He takes a spoon and begins to eat the corn flakes but after a few bites, he has to give up because it makes him nauseous. He has to go visit Joel in a few hours where he has to eat normal portions of food and he can't even eat some corn flakes without getting nauseous?

"This is bad... this is really bad! What do I do!?"

He could call Joel and tell him he's sick but he didn't want to do that. Hell would freeze before he became that friend plus he didn't think Joel would believe it. "Joel isn't stupid" that was one of the things Dave liked about him. You could actually have an interesting conversation with him. Joel wasn't like Jake Paul or Ricescum.

Joel would probably get suspicious and begin to call his other friends to ask if he had spoken to one of them. They would tell him I hadn't and I haven't uploaded a video in months so he would come to the conclusion I had depression again. No, it was better just to show up and pretend nothing was wrong.

He lives 3 hours and 24 minutes from Joel according to google maps so if he wanna make it before 1 pm he has to drive now.

He unlocks his car and begins to drive. The drive is boring except for when you meet the psychopaths that shouldn't have a driver licence.

Dave arrives at Joel's place and parks his car "Calm down Dave it'll be okay". He nervously gets out of the car.

He stops in front of Joel's door and lifts his hand to knock on the door. "I can still run away and pretend I'm sick if I want to," Dave thinks "No I've come all this way plus I really wanna see Joel".

He knocks twice and steps back to wait for Joel to open the door. After a few minutes of waiting where Dave seriously considers leaving Joel finally opens the door.

"Hi, Dave!" He says and embraces him "come inside". "I thought you didn't yearn to feel someone's body against your own" Dave say slightly amused. Joel says he isn't a hugger but he hugs almost everyone. Jonas, him, his fans etc.

Joel's face turns slightly red "I don't" he whine and turns his face away. Dave just smirks and sit down on Joel's couch.

"You look awfully thin and tired Dave," Joel says changing the topic. "Is it really that obvious?" Dave thinks but, of course, he doesn't say that. "You also look tired" Dave responds defensively. "I had a nightmare" Joels just answers "what's your reason?".

"What did you dream about Joel?" Dave avoids the last question.

Joel tense up making Dave wonder what he dreamed about. "I'll tell you if you tell me what's wrong with you," Joel says after a moment.

"There's nothing wrong" Dave look away "Other than the fact that I'm a dumb, worthless faggot".

"Dave you're shaking... what's wrong?" Joel asks concerned.

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