Chapter eleven

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Joels p.o.v 10 June 2020

At first, Joel didn't worry too much about Dave. He trusted him enough to believe he was just thinking like he said. However after a month or so he began to really worry and try to get in contact with him. Since Dave didn't answer any of his text or calls he had tried to get some of his other friends to write for him. It hadn't worked so either he had found out it was Joel that had gotten them to do it or he didn't speak to anyone. At least he had answered his first text so he knew he hadn't died on his way home. He was drunker than he should've been there after all. Joel knew there was something wrong. If there wasn't Dave wouldn't be ignoring everyone.

His fans had also noticed there was something wrong. They said Joel needed to take a break because he looked tired all the time. It wasn't wrong that he was tired because when he went to sleep he couldn't sleep because he kept worrying. He constantly had this burning feeling of worry in his stomach making him feel sick. Joel had just filmed his Goodbye video now where he announced he was taking a break. Yes, he had already decided the title was gonna be "Goodbye". He couldn't be bothered to find something creative instead and people would watch the video anyways. Even if they didn't he couldn't have cared less. The only thing he thought about nowadays was Dave. Today Joel had decided he would drive home to Dave so he could speak with him. He felt a bit guilty that he had lied to his subscribers about what was wrong but mostly worried about Dave. Right now he was... dunno preparing himself mentally? He was a bit scared of what would happen. He needed to try however or he would never forgive himself if something was wrong. "There's long to where Dave lives so if I want to make it today then I should go now".

Joel leaves the flat almost forgetting to lock the door after him in his worry. Luckily for him, he remembers last minute. He doesn't want anyone to steal something after all. He starts the car and begins driving towards Dave's house. He had gotten the address from one of Dave's other friends since he hadn't been there before. She had been very friendly after she found out that he really was Dave's friend. Before that... not so much. She had a YouTube channel called TheRPGMinx from what I've understood. She doesn't upload that often now though but she did a few years back. Dave and she had collabed some times apparently.

It's almost killing Joel that there's so long to where Dave lives. His mind is going through all the things Dave could've done while he had been gone. "Self-harm, starving himself, suicide..." the list of worries goes on and on. It doesn't help there's nothing to distract him from the worries here. Well, there was that one idiot that almost killed someone because he fell asleep while driving. That wasn't nice but luckily he woke up before anything bad happened. Still, he probably shouldn't have a drivers license. He wouldn't have had if there were any cops. Good for him there wasn't then unless someone had filmed it of course. That was the good thing about a world with cameras filming everywhere. You could catch idiots like him without anyone being hurt in the process.

Hours pass by before Joel finally arrives at Dave's house. At least he thinks it is since that was what Minx had told him. Joel is nervous, what if it isn't Dave's house? What if Minx were mistaken? "Well, it's too late to turn back now. I have to trust Minx". Taking a deep breath Joel walk over and knock on the door. No one answers but he hadn't expected that either. He decided to call Minx just to make sure it was the right house, you could never be too sure. Minx confirms it so now it's just what to do next. "I'll try calling Dave one last time" he decides. Dave doesn't pick up but does that come as a surprise to anyone at this point.

"Is the door even locked? I haven't tried to get in at all". Turns out the door wasn't even locked. "Wtf Dave? Why don't you lock the door? Do you want people to come in without your permission?". "Dave!" Joel calls to let Dave know he's here. Dave doesn't answer. Joel is kinda getting deja-vu to his dreams and it creeps him out. He looked around in the house. It was actually quite obvious it was Dave's house when you looked around. Joel recognized it from Dave's videos. "At least I know I'm the right place now". "Well, I better start trying to find Dave. At least it's not gonna be that hard since there are only like five rooms in the house". The house is really quiet and a bit messy. Joel has to look through almost half the house before finally finding Dave. He was just laying on the bed staring out in thin air when Joel opened the door. He looked horrible, his hair was knotted and all over the place. His clothes looked like they hadn't been changed in months. It was probably the same as the one he wore when he left Joel. He has dark circles under his eyes indicating he hadn't been sleeping well and his eyes were full of sadness and pain.

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