Chapter fourteen

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Dave's p.o.v 18 June 2020

Joel and Dave wake up to a ton of notifications. Normally there's many but not this many. They check the picture and it has gone viral. It has over 6 million likes and 3 million retweets on twitter. Some drama channels on YouTube have already made videos on it already. Dave has no idea how the fuck they manage to get things out this fast. That just meant even more people had seen it. The most popular of the videos were on 14 in trending so that was just great (note the sarcasm). "There's no way in hell they won't find out," Dave says sighing. Joel looks at him with pity not knowing what to do. "Well maybe they won't," Joel says trying to sound convincing but failing. Dave decided not to comment and instead just sit down in the bed again.

"You wanna get breakfast?" Joel asks, trying to distract Dave from his negative thoughts. "Sure" Dave murmurs and follows Joel into the kitchen. They eat in silence except Joel occasionally trying to start a conversation. When they finally finish breakfast Dave gets up quickly and leaves the room. He can hear Joel sighing behind him but he just really needs to be alone right now. Sometimes you just need to be alone and think things through. What's the best place for that you might ask? The bed of course.

After hours of thinking Dave still doesn't know what to do. "It's not like there's much I can do anyways". He can hear Joel entering the room. "Dave honey I know it's hard but you can talk to me," Joel says softly. He lays down beside Dave and hesitantly wraps his arms around him. Dave doesn't say anything but he doesn't think Joel expected him to. Joel knew how Dave was. You had to force him to talk before he did it at least when he was sad. Dave enjoys just laying in his boyfriend's arms being comforted by him. Finally, after hours he says something. "Joel, when do you think they're gonna call or are they even gonna call?" he asks, turning around so he's facing Joel. "I don't know," Joel says, looking just as frustrated as Dave felt.

It was around 6 pm before they got out of bed. They'd decided that if Dave's parents called then they did but until then they'd just try to distract themselves. "So Joel what do you wanna do? Maybe we should work a bit on the voices video?" Dave asks. "Sounds good to me" Joel answers and sits down on the couch. Dave hands him the papers with the plan.

"So Joel who are you gonna impersonate first?" Dave asks looking down at the list. "Well, I kinda thought I'd start with the Post Malone one" Joel answers "wanna help me get ready?". Dave nods and they go up to the bedroom again. Their closet is filled with costumes of the singers Joel's gonna impersonate. Some of it hasn't even arrived yet and the closet already looks ready to explode. Joel pulls out a shirt with flower print and some of those fake tattoos you can remove again. It takes about thirty minutes just to get Joel ready. "Why did you choose to dress up as everyone?" Dave complains after finishing putting on the last fake tattoo. Joel just laughs and together they go down to the studio.

Dave actually finds it quite nice to just listen to his boyfriend trying his best to sound like Post Malone. Though he gotta admit when you hear the same line for the hundredth time it can be a bit tiring. Suddenly, through Joel's whatever he is at attempt Dave's phone rings. Joel immediately stops singing and rushes over to Dave. Meanwhile, Dave has picked the phone up and is now trying to gather enough courage to answer the call. It is his parents as they expected. "You don't have to pick up, you know, but if you do I'm here and I support you," Joel says soothingly sitting down beside him. "No, I'll talk to them but I'd appreciate it if you were also here to talk with them," Dave answers before answering the phone and putting it on speaker.

"Dave is it you!?" his dad asks or more like yell into his phone. "Errrrrrr, yes?" Dave answers nervously. "You're on speaker just so you know it" Joel informs him coldly. "SO YOU'RE THE ONE WHO HAS CORRUPTED MY SON!?" he yells furiously. "Dad-" Dave tries to intervene but is cut off. "I'M NOT YOUR DAD! NO SON OF MINE IS GAY!!!" Dave's dad yells. "At least he's not a horrible human being, unlike someone. Why is it so wrong to love who you want to?" Joel asks, trying to contain his anger so he didn't break anything. All the things in this room were quite expensive. "It's wrong! The bible says so! God made us so we could be together as man and woman, not man and man or woman and woman. That's unnatural and everyone that's gay should die!" Dave's father declares. "I'm disappointed in you David," a female voice says. Dave recognizes his mother's voice. "You're no longer our son," she says and then she hangs up.

Dave can feel tears fighting to escape and Joel must've noticed because he got up and hugged him. The first tears escape and soon he's sobbing into Joel's shirt. He didn't expect it to hurt this bad but it was probably normal. "You're just being a huge wuss. You never liked them anyway,".

Even though it hurt Dave also felt somewhat relieved. At least he didn't have to pretend to be someone else now. He could be himself and he didn't have to date those girls. The tears didn't stop until he had none left. After the tears stopped he is left with a minor headache and the sadness but nothing bad. Joel decided they'd go to sleep early to try and get some rest. They weren't gonna get anything done today when Dave was in this state. Instead, Joel spent the night comforting his boyfriend.

A/N: Sorry for not updating but I started in school and I've been exhausted. Also sorry if this seem rushed lol

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