Chapter three

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Joel p.o.v March 11 2020
Joel opens the door to his flat and holds it for, Dave "Male feminists first" he says playfully using their friend Felix's favourite term for Dave.

"Not funny" Dave grumbles but go inside anyway.

"Sure hun," Joel says just waiting for a reaction from Dave's side.

"I shall give you hun shall I!" Dave yells playfully attacking Joel catching him off guard. Joel lands on the floor with a thud. He recovers relatively quickly from the surprise attack and rolls around so Dave is under him. Dave tries to push him off but Joel just grabs his hands and pin them over his head.

"I thought you would defeat me, babe?" Joel says smirking down at Dave. He doesn't know what's gotten into him today but he's definitely more daring than normal. Dave glares daggers up at him.

"Fuck you," he mutters darkly. Dave is such a sore loser or maybe it's just because he lost to me that's known for being easy to defeat.

"No, I think I've just proved it would be I who would be fucking you," Joel says daringly smirking as a dark shade of red spread on Dave's cheeks. "Try finding a comeback to that Dave!" Joel thinks triumphantly. He knows it's childish but he doesn't care.

"Oh let me up you big goofball," Dave says slightly embarrassed.

"WHAT are you calling me stupid?" Joel says playing offended but lets Dave up anyways.

"It's the truth, what can I say?" Dave laughs and ruffles Joel's hair.

"Excuse me!" Joel says still playing offended.

"You are forgiven," Dave says in a solemn voice to which they both erupt in laughter.

When they're done laughing Joel aks "do you wanna make some popcorn and watch a movie? We can also go shopping to make some real food if you want to".

"Let's just go with one," Dave says so they go out in the kitchen. Joel finds some popcorn in one of the cupboards and put it in the microwave. "Now we just have to wait," Joel says tiredly. He hadn't slept that much that night after all. Before with all the drama, he had forgotten about it for a moment but now it all came back.

Dave seemed to notice his sudden change of energy level. "Joel what was that nightmare about?" he asks him.

"Errr yeah that eh... Dunno if we should take that now" Joel says slightly nervous.

"You promised Joel," Dave says clearly curious about what he dreamed that could have made him that scared.

"Yes of course," Joel says feeling more and more nervous about how the other man would react. He hated not knowing what would happen.

"Maybe we should till the popcorns are finished," Joel says, whatever can postpone the moment he has to tell what happened in the nightmare.

"Mmmmh" Dave answers. Joel doesn't know what he's thinking and that's freaking him out.

After what feels like what felt like days of waiting the popcorns is finally finished. Joel takes them out and put them in two bowls. He hands one of them to Dave who takes it and goes to the bedroom.

Joel sighs and prepares himself mentally to tell his friend about his nightmare "why is this so hard? It's just a nightmare".

He then walks up to his bedroom and sits down beside Dave on the bed. Dave looks expectantly at him patiently waiting for him to start the story.

"Well," Joel begins taking a deep breath before continuing the story. "I was walking down this long dark road".

Joel takes a quick break to look over at Dave who is listening with an interested look on his face.

"After a bit of walking I reached this house, well, your house and I go over to knock on the door... No one answers so I go inside since the door is open. I search through every room before stopping in front of your bedroom door and..." Joel stops and takes a deep breath feeling tears form in his eyes. The next scene was horrible and now he was forced to remember it.

"And?" Dave encourages him while moving closer to him to hug him and show his support.

"I-I opens the door and the stench is horrible" Joel feels a tear escape his eyes soon followed by more.

"Yo-you're hanging in the c-ceiling with a rope around your neck" Joel feels Dave tighten his hug. Tears blur his vision and he doesn't wanna continue but he has to since he promised Dave.

"It's clearly b-been weeks since you com-committed suicide and your body is rotting. Your hair is m-messy and the stripe is washed out" Dave tense up but Joel can't see his face for tears.

"R-rat's are eating your body and suddenly there are rats ev-everywhere and they attack me" Joel finish taking deep breaths trying to calm down.

"I'm sorry for making you worry," Dave says guilt clear in his voice.

"What, no! You can't control my nightmares" Joel says surprised. Out of all reactions he would never have thought Dave would say that.

"But If I had called or texted you more often you wouldn't have gotten so worried. I'm such a horrible friend" Dave says guiltily looking down.

"You're my best friend and I wouldn't change you for anyone else. just promise you'll never do the same as nightmare Dave" Joel says giving Dave a hug.

"I promise" Dave mumbles not sounding entirely sure.

"Good now, what do you wanna watch?" Joel answers trying to move on while wiping the last tears from his eyes.

"What about Dawn of the death?" Dave asks him.

"Sure" Joel answer and finds it on the TV. He puts it on and shifts in the bed so he lies more comfortably.

Since Joel lie on the only pillow in the bedroom and Dave can't be bothered to go get on in the living room he just uses Joel as his pillow. Joel feels his face heat slightly up when Dave place his head on his chest.

The movie starts and Dave begins to eat the popcorns while Joel is just kinda frozen. "Get your shit together Joel you're just friends and nothing more" Joel mumbles.

"What?" Dave asks his eyes fixed on the movie while eating popcorn.

"Nothing," Joel says and reach out to the popcorns and eat some popcorns. After about an hour in the movie, Joel begins to be really sleepy and soon he's sleeping. Dave soon fall asleep too.

A/N: Jesus they keep getting worse and worse these chapters

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