Chapter twelve

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Dave's p.o.v 16 June 2020

They spend the next few days just talking and cuddling all night watching movies. When they had to eat they just ordered takeaway from a nearby restaurant. It might seem boring or cliche to some people but they both really needed to just do something normal after all they've been through. It wasn't like they could leave the house anyway because of the coronavirus. Technically they could but they used corona as an excuse.

Right now Dave was sitting on the couch scrolling through Reddit occasionally up or downvoting something. Joel is taking a shower and Dave can hear him singing Livin' for that. He's planning on releasing it soon under a different name though. It sounds pretty good, much better than when Dave sang anyways. He had gotten better through the years but it still sounded much worse than Joel. Since there wasn't anything that interesting on Reddit Dave begins reading the news. At least you got some information there even though most of them were shit. Who wanted to read about a crazy guy that had opened a school to teach penguins to fly. Penguins couldn't fucking fly and no stupid school could change that! Then there's something about J.K Rowling being transphobic as fuck. "Stupid fucking cow," Dave thinks rolling his eyes before clicking on something else.

"What are you reading" Joel ask and sit down beside him. "Just the usual irrelevant shit" Dave answers absently. "Hmmm," Joel says playing with Dave's hair. Dave feels himself going red in the whole face. They had been dating for six days now and Dave still couldn't believe it. How did he ever get someone as amazing as Joel? "He's probably gonna leave you soon," the little voice in the back of his head says. Dave pushes it away just trying to focus on being happy.

"You're cute when you're flustered" Joel compliments him snapping him out of his thoughts. "T-thanks" Dave stutters not really knowing how to respond to that. "Dave I was thinking... Can we move back to my flat? I need to work on the voices video. We don't have to if you're not ready. I understand th-". "That's fine," Dave says cutting of Joel's rambling. "Thanks," Joel says giving him a huge smile "as long you're sure". "I am but when do we leave?" Dave asks. "I was thinking today if that's ok with you?" Joel asks and Dave nods. "Ok is there anything you need to pack?" Joel asks. "I need some of my clothes and a tooth and hairbrush but other than that no" Dave answers.

While Dave packs his stuff Joel clean the house so it doesn't look like shit when Dave returns. There's not that much since they cleaned it just a few days prior. It only takes 30 minutes and then they're ready to leave. Joel is euphoric and jumping up and down. Despite how much he complains about that flat he clearly likes it. Dave smiles and shakes his head. "You look stupid you know" he informs his happy boyfriend. "That's not very nice" Joel whines pretending to be sad. "Oh no, how will I ever make it up to you" Dave answer in a mocking voice. Joel pretended to think before saying "a kiss maybe". Dave rolls his eyes but lets Joel kiss him anyways.

"I'm driving" Joel announces and Dave nods. He opens the door to the backseat and throws his stuff in. They spend the drive to Joel's place just making small talk and brainstorming ideas for the voices video. Joel's still not completely sure who to imitate.

Before long they arrive at Joel's flat and Joel helps Dave up with his things. Dave didn't really need help since there weren't that much but he thought it was nice of Joel. Also, that meant he didn't have to carry it himself. Joel unlocked the door and quickly put Dave's stuff down before checking everything was like when he left. While he did that Dave takes his thing and place them somewhere where you wouldn't knock them over every time you open the door. Then he closes the door Joel had left open in his hurry.

"DAVE! come and help me! we have to start the voices video now" Joel calls from the living room. "God, we haven't even been home for 5 minutes and he's already working". It wasn't like he expected anything else from Joel. Dave smiles and joins Joel in the living room.

"I was thinking I could imitate all the songs I've made those 16 levels of singing videos about. Then I already know the lyrics. The only problem is I can't imitate females to save my life. You've heard my Ellie Goulding impression in the last voices video" Joel complains. "You could use helium to make your voice higher?" Dave suggests. "We could try..." Joel says doubtfully. He clearly didn't think it'd work. "Should I order some for you?" Dave asks and Joel nods continuing to think. Occasionally he writes something down.

After a few hours of working they stop. Actually Dave forces Joel to stop telling him he has to maintain a healthy life too. Now they're sitting at the table eating some fast food.

"Tomorrow I'll start trying to imitate some of the singers we decided today. I mean I got some of the costumes already since Jonas bought them to me before corona" Joel rambles. Dave was kinda tired of talking about the video after hours of nonstop discussing it. He was zoning out just muttering a yes or no occasionally. "Dave, are you even listening?" Joel's asks snapping him out of his thoughts. "Not really" Dave answers deciding he might as well be honest. If he lied Joel would just ask him what he said then. Joel looked a bit hurt by that so Dave felt the need to explain. "It's just we've worked so much today and I'm a bit tired. It's also annoying we can't talk about other than that. We haven't spoken about other things than that today" Dave explains trying not to sound too rude. "What do you wanna talk about then?" Joel asks annoyed Dave hadn't been listening for almost half an hour. Dave doesn't know how to answer that. Nothing much had been happening in their life recently so Joel was kinda right. They ate the rest of their food in silence.

After dinner, they clear out the table together and found a movie to watch. If you couldn't find anything to talk about you could always just talk about a movie. Both of them falls asleep during the movie though.

A/N: I'm bach ( I've clearly watched too much Twosetviolin)

Someone help, the author doesn't know how to make a conversation there isn't cringe cuz she's introverted and awkward af...

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